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Roody's Cooking Tips

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2004 1:20 pm
by Roody_Yogurt
Hey, I just figured this one out TODAY!!

If you're going to eat a can of sweet corn (or maybe even most vegetables), it's a nice change of pace (and somewhat tastier, even) to HEAT UP THE CORN. I used a saucepan but I leave it to you wacky kids to experiment a bit.

This has been Roody's Cooking Tips TM!

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2004 9:29 pm
by Roody_Yogurt
Hey, our adventured didn't end with the corn! Tonight I was making TWO things of Easy Mac (the microwaveable macaroni and cheese stuff) since I was super hungry (and I haven't even smoked pot in like 16 days!!), so I put it all together as the directions said.

And then I decided to GO CRAZY WITH IT and added a can of tuna and it actually doesn't taste bad!

This has been Cooking Fun with Roody TM!

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 5:42 am
by Jack Straw
Mac and cheese is EZ NEway. Most Useless Product Evar.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 12:32 pm
by Vitriola
I decided to try the cheese and mac last night at a restaurant, because I was sorta in the mood for it. It came with the macaroni with melted sliced cheese on top, and not very much at that. I told her I didn't like it, and she said that when they use the Velveeta!, alot of times it separates a bit and there would be more cream at the bottom, but you could tell by the look on her face that she wouldn't have put a fork anywhere near it herself, was just going through the motions, and didn't blame me in the slightest for not wanting it. I had wings instead.