Are there too many forae?

Video Game Discussions and general topics.

Moderators: AArdvark, Ice Cream Jonsey


Are there too many forae?

Total votes: 10


Are there too many forae?

Post by Ben »

Quick poll: Are there too many forii?

Too many forae make people angry to come here, so you don't want that. I'm not saying there are too many or there aren't. I will wait until people respond to my poll first.

One thing's for sure, this place is sure making my employer angry! I've been hanging out here all day! I'm addicted!!!

Fuck the BBQ shit! Blow that crap away pronto!

I'd actually be more upset to see all the U-Man stuff go away. Noot from Alians indeed!

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Course, it woulda helped if you posted a poll. I just did it for you. Please don't go apoplectic with rage on me.

I know, I know, you're saying that unregistered people could not post polls. Well, I changed that for this base.

I also made it so that in the Troll Room, everybody can post sticky threads, make announcements, and so forth. Generally, anyone can do everything in that base that normally only "moderators" can do. This is probably going to cause a severe system exploit that will result in my BBS being destroyed. So please, hackers, if you're out there, please take mercy upon me.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

Jack Straw
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Post by Jack Straw »

Fuck that. Those are the original base names, fuck with em and pay the price.

What is this smiley? :idea: it looks like a little smiley butthole!
