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Who is, and who is not, a freak?

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 9:19 am
by Lysander
I AM NOT A FREAK! Or, possibly I am a freak! But I will be a freak for a different reason!

*: because they are onions, and thus an onion flavor would be the only flavor they could add to something--I mean, imagine an onion adding a broccoli flavor to something. That would be just silly.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 2:36 pm
by AArdvark
Think GARBAGE PLATE. Think what a useless waste of time a G-plate would be without onions. Not just any onions either. The raw, sharp kind that brings tears to your eyes from ten feet away.


Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 4:15 pm
by pinback
Couple comments about the poll:

1. I don't think he meant "garnish". It's hard to imagine an onion acting primarily as a "garnish".

2. Red onions can be snacked on raw just fine, so I resent the flippant tone in the first option.

3. That is the worst misspelling of "definitely" I've ever seen in my life.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 6:55 pm
by Worm
pinback wrote: 2. Red onions can be snacked on raw just fine, so I resent the flippant tone in the first option.
Same here, I even snack on white onions.
pinback wrote: 3. That is the worst misspelling of "definitely" I've ever seen in my life.
Yeah, I definately(sic) never did it that badly.