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Doom III
Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:25 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Unbelievably good. And creepy. Like a house of mirrors, only everyone's shooting at you and there's no fat chicks or dwarves.
I will only be playing it at night. Playing it while the sun was out would be a complete travesty in immersion.
(I've only played two hours so far, so I can't say that it's a must-have. Lots of games are great for the first two hours.)
Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:48 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Holy crap, everyone hates it.
Everyone at
Quarter to Three. (And the level of trolling going on there regarding the game is unbelievable -- someone tell me if this place ever gets like that)
Firing Squad. (Though, having seen the author of that on Qt3 for a while, my taste in games is pretty much the opposite of his.)
Really weird. A lot of stale arguments get trotted out about stuff that Id fixed with Doom 3.
Oh well! I guess in my younger days I'd care and just go berserk regarding it. Presently, if the only guy who enjoys it is me, well, thank you Mr. Carmack.
Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 2:25 pm
by Roody_Yogurt
I think I'll get it once it hits the $30 mark which also might be the soonest I'll be able to afford to upgrade my computer.
EDIT: I'll probably buy Half Life 2 before the $30 mark, though.
Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 2:40 pm
by Debaser
I'm still debating getting it. On the one hand, it along with Far Cry would pretty much justify the 650 and three days I just dropped on a new machine (though being able to play Vice City w/o constantly overheating and crashing is a nice bonus). But, I don't know, as much as Worm's been talking up the game to me, it just doesn't sound all that much like something I'd enjoy.
Worm: It's really dark!!
Me: Uhuh.
Worm: Really tremendously dark!! And difficult!! It's awesome!!
Me: I could see why you'd enjoy that.
Worm: And you shoot demons!! It's just like Doom!
Me: I never really played Doom very much...
Worm: This is the greatest game in history!!
Me: Yeah, but isn't it like really dark??
I think it might be that Doom was "that game I wasn't allowed to play" growing up rather than "the franchise that swallowed my pubescent years" like it was for a lot of people. So instead of nostalgia I can only really muster a vague sense of resentment.
Plus, I'm given to understand, it's really frikkin' dark.
Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:22 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Debaser wrote:I'm still debating getting it. On the one hand, it along with Far Cry would pretty much justify the 650 and three days I just dropped on a new machine (though being able to play Vice City w/o constantly overheating and crashing is a nice bonus).
There are some nice tactics going on with FarCry, but I like Doom 3 more. FarCry is an action movie, something that Arnold or Charles Bronson or Carl Weathers could be proud to be in. Doom 3 is a horror movie and I'm seeing people react to that in terrifically different ways.
I think maybe the fact that Doom didn't mess your childhood up and that you haven't been dreaming about it for years will help you. I got to the Doom party late, as it was released when I was in college and I hardly had time for such pedestrian activities as video game playing. (Well, I didn't have time, but sure, I sometimes made time.) You're not going to play it and say, "WTF, there isn't a roomful of monsters here! This sucks! It isn't Doom!" because Doom didn't take a significant portion of your life away from you in 1994.
But, I don't know, as much as Worm's been talking up the game to me, it just doesn't sound all that much like something I'd enjoy.
This is quite possible. For me, wondering what's going to jump out of the corner next is a selling point.
It's dark, but they give you both a flashlight and some armor to help out with. You also get a pistol early on, and there's some foreshadowing going on with that (I don't want to spoil things, though!)
Plus, I'm given to understand, it's really frikkin' dark.
Yeah. It'll take me a while to finish this game as I can only play it from 10:00pm - Midnight. An excellent gaming value!
Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 4:37 pm
by Roody_Yogurt
I wasn't big into Doom myself. I mean, playing through a couple levels was cool enough and I could see how it appealed to so many people but in the end, I think I found it awfully repetitive and not worth putting hours into.
Just the fact that the hardest difficulty level was called "I am death incarnate" put Wolfenstein 3D over the Doom games for me, just because that joke amused me so (and therefore, I'd only play that game on that level and only survive for a couple minutes).
I think, even at the time, I was looking for more story-based gaming in FPSs. That's why Cybermage makes my personal list of favorite FPSs as it was the first FPS of that gamepad-playable breed (before mouse/keyboard became the standard and one could look up and down and control aim that much better).
Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 5:39 pm
by Worm
Twice, all your weapons will be taken from you. So if that gets you insanely fucking pissed, just skip the game. It's really, really, good, dark, but too damn long. The second you get a change of pace (Hell) you get shit like jump puzzles well shit attacks you trying to knock you down. Eventually I got tired of being punished for going for more armor, health, or ammo. If you never pick up any armor, med kits, or ammo you'll be spared at least 40% or more of the monsters.
I'm majorly dissapointed with the attempts to alien up all the monsters, they all look just like I didn't want them to, hold the Reverants and Zombies. I really enjoyed most of the game up to this point. Though if you want to pick it up be wary of darkness, hair trigger spawns, and about enough cheap scares to get you tired of them.
Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 8:01 am
by Jethro Q. Walrustitty
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Holy crap, everyone hates it.
Everyone at
Quarter to Three. (And the level of trolling going on there regarding the game is unbelievable -- someone tell me if this place ever gets like that)
Firing Squad. (Though, having seen the author of that on Qt3 for a while, my taste in games is pretty much the opposite of his.)
Hey, so I'm not the only one! Good to see that others have taken off the Beer Goggles on this one.
Reminder: I made it clear that my opinion was an initial opinion - but the amount of things that the game
lacks and the general level of interactivity meant that the game was the exact opposite of fun for me.
Debaser: Give Far Cry a shot - I think there's a playable demo floating around. I hesistated playing it due to my fear that it'd just be a graphical showcase with a crappy game attached (never seen
that before, cough-cough) - but it really is fantastic. And I generally can't stand the "save points" thing, but Far Cry pulls it off well.
It does get more like a horror movie at the end - but overall, it's spectacular - and, of course, the game is absolutely
gorgeous and gives you a lot to do. Instead of just trudging through pitch-black hallways over and over.
Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 8:16 am
by Jethro Q. Walrustitty
Just looked at Firing Squad's review.
Here's what burns me: The guy admits: "Oh and finally, don't expect innovative or even good gameplay. It really is the same formula over and over" - and totally trashes the multiplayer - yet it still gets an 85%? WTF?
And, I didn't even realize that D3 was full of the "spawn-behind-you" monster bullshit. I fucking hate that. It's lousy design. That's one of the things that killed Blood 2 - the first Blood was cool because zombies would crawl up out of the ground all around you. In Blood 2, enemies would jump teleport in from nowhere with no warning. Big difference, and very disappointing.
Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:57 am
by Worm
Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:And, I didn't even realize that D3 was full of the "spawn-behind-you" monster bullshit.
Did you even play the fucking thing?
I don't hold an opinion or comment on bondage, because I don't do it, and I don't do it because I figure I won't like it. Just don't talk about Doom 3 because you figured you wouldn't like it. Though don't sit here and express this righteous indigination about the game. You're just a motherfucking consumer. Yeah the game isn't something like Halflife that immediately negated everyone's negative opinions (if there ever were any) with just how wild and great it was. It also isn't something that subjects you to a glorious storyline to make you sob and laugh. Though it's not a piece of stinkshit like Lionheart.
Oh, and:
GAME SITES DON'T RATE ACCURATELY? WHAT? I mean geez, we all know this.
Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 10:19 am
by Helga Oelschläger
Worm wrote:I don't hold an opinion or comment on bondage, because I don't do it, and I don't do it because I figure I won't like it.
Sat is right, my friend, you vill not like it. Sat is se point, ja?
Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 12:48 pm
by bruce has a really funny review up too.
Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 6:52 pm
by Worm
bruce has a really funny review up too.
Christ, not that thing with the logs? Please tell me it isn't the thing with the fucking logs.
Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 8:58 pm
by bruce
Worm wrote:bruce has a really funny review up too.
Christ, not that thing with the logs? Please tell me it isn't the thing with the fucking logs.
It isn't the thing with the fucking logs.
Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 9:48 am
by Worm
Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 8:45 pm
by bruce
Worm wrote:Link?
Shit, it was the front page at somethingawful. It's probably aged off by now.
Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 9:41 pm
by Worm
bruce wrote:Worm wrote:Link?
Shit, it was the front page at somethingawful. It's probably aged off by now.
I read it.
Sadly, I've got my list to valid complaints. Darkness and Spiders don't appear. I mean if Creexul doesn't write a negative blurb about Doom 3 that isn't full of pussy whining about darkness, or shit popping out at you. I'm going to.
Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 10:18 pm
by ChainGangGuy
Game Rating: Excellent
Multiplayer: Crappy
Replay Value: Nil
There is a mod you can get that puts a flashlight on some of the guns. I guess they don't have duct tape on Mars.
Half-Life 2 will shine where Doom III slumps (if it ever comes out).
Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 9:33 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Okay fellas, this thread's hit 17 posts! Time to work in the word "methinks!"
ChainGangGuy wrote:Game Rating: Excellent
Multiplayer: Crappy
Replay Value: Nil
Is multiplayer simply uninspiring? It would seem to be that way to me, because they haven't added anything. The House of Engines and the House of Ideas are on different streets in different suburbs around the fairy tale cumulus ideal that is the Id Software Neighborhood METHINKS.
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 11:30 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Someone remind me why I'm not supposed to like this game again. I picked it up after 13 months off and I'm loving it again. In fact, with the hardware upgrade I've received it's really quite smooth. I love being able to play it on 1280x1024 & 8x ... er... whatever the hell 8x refers to, that's what I've got going 8 times over.
I see in this thread that Worm states that they'll take all my weapons. They can have them! Weapons and health are only bogging me down.
Someone just mentioned the BFG in a chat log, and now I'm worried that I missed the locker that contains it. I don't want to cry that the game is too difficult and then notice that I've somehow missed the BFG.
(I *have* missed the chainsaw, if it's something I should have picked up before now. I guess I'll need to use a cheat to get it, because there have been a lot of situations where I have been out of ammo and a weapon like the chainsaw would have come in handy.)
Would this game be better if it were the appropriately-named sequel to Haunted House and not Doom? Yes. But this game is capable of elevating heart rate when played in the dark.