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The saddest thing ever.

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 11:46 am
by Vitriola
I'm planning on volunteering here, but looking through the site and the 'special needs' animals up for adoption, I came across this guy, who I would take home in an instant if the person running this organization hadn't spent the entire rest of the bandwidth explaining why YOU, nor ANYBODY ELSE, should adopt an animal you are all OBVIOUSLY UNSUITED FOR. Read that description, and shoot yourself in the head if things just didn't get a tiny bit blurry for a second there.



Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 1:06 pm
by Worm
Do you mean this? That's on someone else's webspace and for parents of children.

These seem to be his only adoption rules.
You don’t need a TON of experience to adopt from CoRHS... Just the basic knowledge and good intentions! What we look for in our adopters:

1. General knowledge of the species you are considering adopting. If you don’t know everything, that’s fine--a willingness to learn will get you a LONG way.

2. A stable environment for the animals. We need to feel good about the person who wants to adopt an animal. We want to know that they will be well cared for, and that the person is financially able to handle the day-to-day costs, including vet visits if needed.

To adopt an animal from CoRHS, fill out an adoption application, AND pay a $10.00 non-refundable application fee.

We require an application fee because of the growing number of applicants who are not serious about adopting. If you do adopt from CoRHS, we will apply your application fee toward your adoption. Please follow the PayPal link to send your $10.00 fee to (you may need to set up a free PayPal account. We CANNOT process your application without first receiving your fee.
Seem's pretty reasonable. I think the other document is to discourage parents of children.

Bonus footage, REX IN ACTION. ... 012004.mpg

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 2:16 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
First person perspective: good for video games, even better for BLIND, CRABBY PETS.

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 2:17 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Whoa, can anyone else get to this site? I went here to print out an application for volunteering form for Vitriola, but it's down.

Did the special needs pets take over and kill everyone?!

Hosting issue?

Well, probably a hosting issue, but still: DOES DEATH AND HORROR AWAIT?