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Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 12:20 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
The forum... is live!!
There's even a post from the developer of the soon-to-be-award-winning Future Boy! entertainment game himself as to when the release date is likely to be. Check it out!
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 3:18 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 3:54 pm
by Debaser
I thought Future Boy was going to be a movie.
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 6:17 pm
by bruce
The DEMO is 37 MB?
Geez, you Hugo lovers like it LARGE, dontcha?
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 10:41 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
bruce wrote:
The DEMO is 37 MB?
Geez, you Hugo lovers like it LARGE, dontcha?
Actually, I think that's just the download client you need to get the whole demo.
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 10:43 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
But seriously -- they made a remake of Star Control II called the Masters of Ur-Gonerreiha or some shit like that. And it's fucking IMPOSSIBLE to download the files to your computer. Just let me get the app and media "Toys for Bob."
Open source just plain doesn't work. Am I right, Bruce? AM I?
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 12:46 pm
by bruce
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Open source just plain doesn't work. Am I right, Bruce? AM I?
Blow me, ICJ. BLOW ME.
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 12:49 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
bruce wrote:Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Open source just plain doesn't work. Am I right, Bruce? AM I?
Blow me, ICJ. BLOW ME.
Okay. But if you can find a link where I can download the complete Ur-Quan Masters package at without having to use their shitty webbie installer, then I'll TAKE BACK what I said about Open Source software.
Hell, I don't even know if the Ur-Quan Masters is open source. I presume so, since it's on Source Forge. But still, that's just how irrational and mad I am about web installers. You know who else likes web installers? MICROSOFT.
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 12:57 pm
by bruce
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Okay. But if you can find a link where I can download the complete Ur-Quan Masters package at without having to use their shitty webbie installer, then I'll TAKE BACK what I said about Open Source software. ... p_id=59452
You probably want and maybe, I'm guessing.
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 3:09 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Looks like the game is now available for purchase!
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 9:40 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Holy cow, a printed Hugo manual is available as well. Goodness!