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Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 10:35 am
by Andy
It is after all labor day!

Though I have lost the fire from my youth so I wont follow through with this..but anyway, wouldnt it be fun to have lots of people call in to their work places and tell them they are never coming back again.. or better yet maybe a big caravan and we could all drive around and go into the work place together and be rowdy and shout PARTY PARTY to give the person support.

As the fall aproaches so does my seasonal instability.
In the past I have lost all faith, jobs, and sanity in the fall season all the way through the winter not to regroup till about spring.

A scared small boy sits in the corner, cold naked and wide eyed, trying not to think about what may wait around the corner.

I played dodge ball last night, that was fun and exciting...though I have not watched the movie. Also played some golf" "

---as I have been noticing that I have less friends, some of other friends have noticed this to.. that is a side note (please put it aside) I just keep wondering if this is what happens when you get old, if it is out of my control.. or if there is something I can in fact do about it (besides drinking or using drugs, cause I am certain I would gain friends if I started that, though most of them would not be friends in the "friends" sense, as in while still doing those things a couple of my "friends" found more amusing things to do for a while besides hang out with me, and maybe this is to much of living in a movie life to be real but I Want Friends That Are My Friends Through It All No Matter What The All Is, and it seems to me that that phase of my life has ended (though not true with ALL my remaining friends))

some remain and always have, but I miss the days of my youth when I had a group of friends that were all "" Good friends" more of a brother and sister hood, there was never a question of IF we would hang.. just when and where.

probably just need to grow up and get over it or something, sept I have noticed that you almost have to have some shared intrest with a group of people these days to be friends (wich I think is stupid) like you either have to be drinking buddies, or churhc buddies, or bingo buddies, or school buddies, or work buddies, there is no such thing in our culture as just buddies. well what do you guys DO, well lots of stuff, we are just buddy buddies and girl girllies.

this has made me intrested in different communal living groups, people that have the shared intrest of wanting a group of people to live and play with.


the wind is picking up. my hair is getting re arranged by it.

MY FACE is getting re a peeled off by it.

My songs are starting agAIN

I am afraid to shower, my hope might wash down the drain with all the dirt that makes up me.

the smell of the sauce follows me around like a dark cloud of rain, rain that my help the garden grow, or wash away all the good soil.


-"the ittsy bittsy spider went up the water spout,
DOWN came the rain and washed the spider out,

out came the sun and dryed up all the rain..


I can never decide the on the leason of this story..

Is it that the spider is stupide to go up the spout again knowing that it will rain again one day?

Is it that the spider has great courage and faith because inspite of getting washed out he climbed up that steep spout again, bound and determined to conquer it?

Is it that he knew he would most likely get "washed down again" but that if so its ok cause his faith was not in his climbing ability, but in the sun to rise again and dry him out?

Or was the rain the HAND OF GOD that washed him down off his lofty palace back to the ground where he was ment to live, and the sun the influance of others on the ground DRYING THE SPIDER BACK OUT to his stake calused hard state, and out of rebelion he climbs the spout again to show God that he Can DO what HE wants?

Is it a zen story reflecting the cycles of life..or THE cycle of LIFE?

Is it just the shortest story possible to tie a hollywood ending to?

Or is the story about the life of a water spout more than the spider, the water spout that had a spider crawl up it (of all the creepy things!! how would you feel if a spider crawled all the way UP you?!?!) the spout being helpless and hopeless to do anything to get the spider out itself, just waiting.. waiting .. waiting .. waiting (maybe the story took place over a long period of time) and then one day.. THE RAIN COMES AND SAVES THE SPOUT!!!! but like usual.. back out comes the sun and dryed ALL THE RAIN, and the cancer of the ittsy bittsy spider crawled up the poor spout again...

the story could almost be used to back up any point you want to make... what a clever story. maybe it is best to just keep in your back pocket for any situation, it is the universal answer to any advice seeker.



IF YOU SEE THEM (john lisa or lara or others) tell them i said hi


GERRIT you are the hue of the true blue Wake UP! it is late in the day sir


hope to see you soon at the ATL cookout

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 12:56 pm
by Roody_Yogurt
Huh, I love the fall season.

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 6:01 pm
by k. roo
Yeah, it's September again, isn't it. Fresh influx of hordes of uninitiated college kids. Can't decide what's worse - the unprivileged but multicultural kids at work, or at home the arrogant parents tucking their precious brood into Princeton's pseudogothic monastry cells for the first time. The times for bag-waving at work and unbothered walking from the train station to Nassau are definitely over for a while.

I hate the fall season.