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Halo 2 reaches one million pre-orders

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 9:09 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey ... box06.html

What a bunch of bunker-mentality whores. Whatever Microsoft thinks they ought to buy THEY BUY. What a joke.

Xbox Nation Magazine has been doing previews on it for THREE MONTHS. They can't afford to give it anything less than a 10. How could anyone take their eventual cock-whoring review seriously? They have too much invested for it not to be perfect.

This sort of thing makes me sick.

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 6:08 pm
by Worm
Yeah, fuck them. I'm going to keep buying console in the hopes of two things
1.) Bigger and better giant robot games
2.) The Gradius and R-Type series continuation.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 12:39 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Annnnnnnnnnnd the French released a warez version!

Which I mention because it's kind of a slow discussion day. Honestly, guys, you can talk about anything you want on this BBS.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 4:30 pm
by Debaser
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Which I mention because it's kind of a slow discussion day. Honestly, guys, you can talk about anything you want on this BBS.
Last week I was moving furniture for my aunt and I smashed my middle finger, cutting a deep gash. Because I was in the middle of stuff, I didn't bother putting anything on it and by the time I'd finished it had scabbed over. Today at work, it was kind of stinging so I started picking at it, and I squeezed out about a thimbulfull of pus.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 4:37 pm
by Worm
Debaser wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Which I mention because it's kind of a slow discussion day. Honestly, guys, you can talk about anything you want on this BBS.
Last week I was moving furniture for my aunt and I smashed my middle finger, cutting a deep gash. Because I was in the middle of stuff, I didn't bother putting anything on it and by the time I'd finished it had scabbed over. Today at work, it was kind of stinging so I started picking at it, and I squeezed out about a thimbulfull of pus.
You've failed

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 5:49 pm
by AArdvark
I am NOT clicking on those links.. I just had dinner and I want to keep it that way. I don't care how fascinating the roadside rubbernecker slow-down-traffic-for-a-mile injuries are. I WILL NOT click those links! NO EN-OH! I suppose there's goo and pus and hanging tendons and blood all over, fingernails bitten to the quick, Jonsey's diseased butt, mucus dribbling nose holes with hair poking out, BUT I WILL NOT CLICK THERE!


Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 9:17 pm
by Jack Straw
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Annnnnnnnnnnd the French released a warez version!.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 1:47 pm
by Lex
I have been unable to locate torrents for it; I just want a peek at multi-player, I promise :(

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 2:39 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Bungie stated some nonsense about how they're going to revoke your Xbox Live account if they caught you even talking about it on-line.

I can't think of any game or subculture I hate more than those that think Halo II is going to be the shit.

Halo II

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 7:51 pm
by Sousa
Lex wrote:I have been unable to locate torrents for it; I just want a peek at multi-player, I promise :(
Let's say I had a copy, and let's say if I had that copy that I played it, assuming, theoretically, that I could, and say that if I did play it and it was in a foreign language and could get past that, especially <i>that</i> foreign language, I would probably say it's the balls.

Or something like that...

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 8:59 pm
by Worm
I'd hate to sound like "Tycho of Penny Arcade fame" here, but I'm just expecting less and less of games. I don't think any companies are really willing to innovate, some are willing to take the craft to a level of immersion never before experienced, but that's no innovation. That's why the only thing that is going to get me excited about games, is when they all feature easy mod interfaces. The Opera was the most Innovative thing for Halflife as far as I'm concerned. Sven Coop was great too.

GTA:SA I can only are about if they feature simple modding tools, unless rockstar will reinnovate their old ideas. Rape button mod would make the whole game vindicated.

Oblivion is going to just be Daggerfall++ where Morrowind was Daggerfall+ which is good, the Daggerfall template for RPGs was an innovation, I'd just like to see some new ones.

Halflife 2, Doesn't matter if they innovate, the world wants it so bad they could produce shit and we'd all love it.

I'm downloading The Sims 2 tomorrow. More customization I heard. Though really fuck anything but the plain arcade format.

Katamari Damacy is the best game I've played in awhile.
A.) It's effectively genreless. Remember when shit could go in action,adventure, or fantasy? Then you only had a vague idea of what game you were getting? Genres now are fucking game archetypes.
B.) Highscores, No one can give half a shit about collecting all the hidden items in GTA:VC, no one gives a shit about how many pizzas it takes them to get that maggot on the scooter, though I did feel quite pleased when my Katamari hit 800+ meters.
C.) Real music. I mean what do I have the options of? Tony Hawk and GTA:VC horseshit of tunes I've heard before or 30 second loops of guitars wailing during action and soft piano when away from action?
D.) Twenty dollars. Can anyone explain to me what price fixing is. I don't quite know, but I don't see why game companies don't ever attempt to undercut.
E.) A little customizing. Normally I like to be able to control the arch of my characters brows, but if you're going to make a game at least let me choose my sex, or race.

It's like Tetrisphere, NiGHTs, Panzer Dragoon. Those are the only ones that hit me presently, maybe if consumers everywhere dump enough money into this Katamari game they just may try to innovate again. They might just make a new King of Fighters with similar cheeky humor and cutsey characters though.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 9:12 pm
by Jack Straw
Lex wrote:I have been unable to locate torrents for it; I just want a peek at multi-player, I promise :(
Dude, why are you fucking around with torrents? Life begins and ends with Usenet. It was posted there Wed night I think..

Re: Halo II

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 9:13 pm
by Jack Straw
Sousa wrote: Let's say I had a copy, and let's say if I had that copy that I played it, assuming, theoretically, that I could, and say that if I did play it and it was in a foreign language and could get past that, especially <i>that</i> foreign language, I would probably say it's the balls.
I'm gonna settle this once and for all. The nfo says it's 5 languages, I've been too lazy to try it out. I'll just wait if it's truly french.. but I find it incredibly hard to believe that's the only language.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 9:15 pm
by Jack Straw
Worm wrote: Halflife 2, Doesn't matter if they innovate, the world wants it so bad they could produce shit and we'd all love it.
...and this is different from the Halo 2 "thang" in exactly...what..way??

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 3:13 am
by Lex
It has only French voice, but the 'five languages' thing is just for subtitles text. However, it apparently only works in cutscenes, so it's v. easy to et lost when someone shouts "Oh ho oh ho oh HO!" at you, meaning a direction.

I'm fluent enough in European languages to be able to play it, but that's cool as I don't really intend to play the single-player until I buy the thing anyway. Even if I do, and there's something I can't understand, I'm dating a lingual genius with a scholarship from Oxford. So, that should be fine. :p

Jack: I *want* to love Usenet, but I don't have the ca$h to get a good service. Sadly, the only h4xoring one I receive with my ISP is that GBA one: Still v. Useful, and hopefully I'll get the DS one too, but I'd *really* like access to the meatier Binaries groups.

What do you use? What's the cheapest way you know of to grab these things?

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 8:55 am
by Worm
Jack Straw wrote:
Worm wrote: Halflife 2, Doesn't matter if they innovate, the world wants it so bad they could produce shit and we'd all love it.
...and this is different from the Halo 2 "thang" in exactly...what..way??
Well, it's quite different. Halflife 1 was much better than Halo 1. Halflife 2 will have mods thusly taking any limit off of its potentional. Oh, and reports are in that Halo 2 blows. It's going to be a simple FPS party game that you're going to stop playing after a year, there is no way in hell bungie will innovate in the least, there is no way in hell they may even change things, and there is no way in hell it's going to run well on anything but the X-Box.

Lex, you could always just find a friend with good usenet and give him 3 bucks for the game. Loads of people do that.

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 9:43 pm
by Bugs
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I can't think of any game or subculture I hate more than those that think _____ is going to be the shit.
And there it is, folks. The Zen of Jonsey.

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 9:00 am
by AArdvark
I think playing Halo2 in French would make it a better game plotwise. Having the game in English but everyone has a French accent would be still better. I imagine everyone talking like Pepe Lepew....

Master Chief: Sac-ray blue! Ze covenant! She comes!


Cortana: Ooh, la la! mess-sewer mastaire cheef, he kills wiz such lay-say faire!


Grunt: mare-day! I am heet! I am to die! Aie!!!!


Master Chief: Moan Cher-ry, My leetle silicon cheek-en. I keel zem for you, Cortana.


Elite: what what what!


Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 9:38 am
by pinback
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I can't think of any game or subculture I hate more than those that think Halo II is going to be the shit.
How about the Jews?

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 10:48 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Worm wrote:I'd hate to sound like "Tycho of Penny Arcade fame" here, but I'm just expecting less and less of games. I don't think any companies are really willing to innovate, some are willing to take the craft to a level of immersion never before experienced, but that's no innovation. That's why the only thing that is going to get me excited about games, is when they all feature easy mod interfaces. The Opera was the most Innovative thing for Halflife as far as I'm concerned. Sven Coop was great too.

GTA:SA I can only are about if they feature simple modding tools, unless rockstar will reinnovate their old ideas. Rape button mod would make the whole game vindicated.

Oblivion is going to just be Daggerfall++ where Morrowind was Daggerfall+ which is good, the Daggerfall template for RPGs was an innovation, I'd just like to see some new ones.

Halflife 2, Doesn't matter if they innovate, the world wants it so bad they could produce shit and we'd all love it.

I'm downloading The Sims 2 tomorrow. More customization I heard. Though really fuck anything but the plain arcade format.

Katamari Damacy is the best game I've played in awhile.
A.) It's effectively genreless. Remember when shit could go in action,adventure, or fantasy? Then you only had a vague idea of what game you were getting? Genres now are fucking game archetypes.
B.) Highscores, No one can give half a shit about collecting all the hidden items in GTA:VC, no one gives a shit about how many pizzas it takes them to get that maggot on the scooter, though I did feel quite pleased when my Katamari hit 800+ meters.
C.) Real music. I mean what do I have the options of? Tony Hawk and GTA:VC horseshit of tunes I've heard before or 30 second loops of guitars wailing during action and soft piano when away from action?
D.) Twenty dollars. Can anyone explain to me what price fixing is. I don't quite know, but I don't see why game companies don't ever attempt to undercut.
E.) A little customizing. Normally I like to be able to control the arch of my characters brows, but if you're going to make a game at least let me choose my sex, or race.

It's like Tetrisphere, NiGHTs, Panzer Dragoon. Those are the only ones that hit me presently, maybe if consumers everywhere dump enough money into this Katamari game they just may try to innovate again. They might just make a new King of Fighters with similar cheeky humor and cutsey characters though.
Why did Tycho stop using italics so much?

The day you say everything from Japan is better than everything from America is the day I don't know you any longer.

Katmari Damacy is good and I'm going to bet that while the fucking WHORES at Xbox Nation give Halo II a "10" (they have too much invested not to) everyone else who isn't brainwashed is going to be all "ehh." So I'll grant you that a game where you roll a pile of shit together is better than the pile of shit that will be Halo II, it's still just one game that happens to be Japanese, rather than case-closed evidence that they do games better or anything.

I found Doom III to be better than KD, for instance. (Devil Whiskey too, but they did steal gameplay from the Bard's Tale. No matter, but still.) Doesn't mean that KD isn't excellent, but let's not get ridiculous here.

Plus, if Japan ever does get too good at making software, well, we have another couple of nukes to drop on them to even things out again.