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I am selling PS2 games on eBay.
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 10:52 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
You can get a rarely-used and utterly spotless copy of Disgaea: Hour of Darkness and/or Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas off eBay, and I'll throw in shipping. Here are the URLs. And remember to bid over your head, not with it:
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 11:45 am
by Worm
=( As anything that anyone wants on ebay immediately tops off at a little below store price, I think I'll pass. Unless you listed them "FOR JOLTCOUNTRY SAVERS ONLY".
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 11:58 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Worm wrote:=( As anything that anyone wants on ebay immediately tops off at a little below store price, I think I'll pass. Unless you listed them "FOR JOLTCOUNTRY SAVERS ONLY".
Well, the real savings is that the price you get is the price you get. GTA:SA comes out to be $49.99 plus another five bucks for sales tax (at least where I live) so a buy-it-now at $47 saves you at least right dollars! At least!!
I really preferred EB's old policy of being able to return games you didn't like for a full refund.
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 12:18 pm
by Worm
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I really preferred EB's old policy of being able to return games you didn't like for a full refund.
If you know the people well you can still do that. Though I think the last crew at EB (before they all quit) basically loved me because I wasn't an idiot, and we all hated 70% of the games they were selling. I remember they got Lionheart back the day after I bought it, and the guy asks me why I was returning it, official reason: "It REALLY blows" which was very cool. Right now basically it's kids that would be working at PacSun(The kind that love GTA games) and one really plain short chick with big breasts. Still they aren't all tools, some kid was looking for any Age of Empires and when the guy was reciting the various incarnations I piped in "Age of Starwars" which he actually understood the joke(Galatic Battlegrounds), that was nice.
The problem is the same as movies really, high budget crap.
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 9:51 pm
by Jack Straw
Yeah I fucking hate it when they spend money trying to make games better.
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 8:05 am
by Worm
Jack Straw wrote:Yeah I fucking hate it when they spend money trying to make games better.
Yeah, that's what the money is about, not just better gaphics, better pepsi ads in your game, and more crap to make you forget about gameplay. Torment is one of the few games that transcended gaming and hit artform, it could have been entirely text and still been great. If Halflife was rendered in wire vectors it still would be great. Fuck money, I'd rather have a really good idea with no money in it than a shitty idea with too much money in it.
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 11:11 am
by Jack Straw
yeah I know. You like shmups, your taste is perpetually set back 20 years. I don't even know why I'm arguing with you. Hating on game budgets is simply retarded though son.
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 7:43 pm
by Worm
Jack Straw wrote:yeah I know. You like shmups, your taste is perpetually set back 20 years. I don't even know why I'm arguing with you. Hating on game budgets is simply retarded though son.
Look, it's not even about SHMUPs. It's about attempting to take games near real-world realism without attempting to bring the writing, or gameplay anywhere near. That's all there is too, gameplay and story, rating shit beyond that is sill as far as I am concerned.
As for my tastes being set back 20 years, I'll take that as a compliment there were some fine fucking games back then, though they all relied on gameplay. I cannot stand the entire gaming community being happy with genre lock is the next game going to not be a FPS, RPG, Fighting game, or race game? I can only speculate. I cannot stand people simply dismissing sprites as viable anymore, psh, much less text. All I've ever wanted is good games. You don't need money to make a game good.
- o Cho Ren Sha 68kl
o SoKanOh Mobile Batter
o Akuji the Vampire
I don't hate on game budgets, I hate on shit. The major fallacy in your logic is that these companies are doing something for you. Yes, good games are usually sellers, and yes, they are trying to make games that sell, in some games I can just feel where they didn't take the extra steps, I just hate insincerity.
I'll wrap this up.
"Thank you for loving gunbound" -Gunbound TOS
That's all I want to do, I want to really enjoy a game. Though I feel that fewer and fewer games that I really enjoy are being made.
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 9:05 pm
by bruce
All right, you fuckers. Some real old-skool philosophy here.
Activision's "Kaboom" was a pretty fucking awesome game, right?
2K. That's ROM. You had 128 bytes of RAM to work with.
"Pitfall": also pretty fucking terrific, right?
4K ROM + 128 bytes RAM.
Now, OK, if you're not David Crane, really good games might generally take a bit more space than that. But, for fuck's sake, Worm is right.
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 10:20 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Here's how this ended up:
DISGAEA: I had a "buy it now" of $37. Someone "bought it now" for $37. Whee! And they paid through Paypal. I was paid immediately! I give this person FIVE STARS.
GTA:SA: Someone sniped my auction for $45.50 and then fell off the face of the fucking earth. It's been 11 days and not a peep. Thanks a lot, you asshole. So I am going through the deadbeat bidder process and re-listing. I give this person NEGATIVE ONE BILLION STARS.
I give myself FIVE STARS because these games are in pristine condition, frankly, and I ship immediately. I'd like to change my review of myself to FIFTY stars, actually. Can I do that?
(No. -- ed.)
Ah. Well, anyway. If someone out there wants a copy of GTA: SA, let me know ASAP.