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Bannings. ?_?
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 12:57 pm
by Worm
chris wrote:Yes, I've been banned. Don't get me started on it.
I personally cannot support any forum that bans for any reason but fancy free fun. So by all means, get started.
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 9:05 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Well, I don't know about any of this, but I was contacted by a lawyer today regarding Caltrops for the first time. I really dislike Register Dot Com requiring your phone number to be available, but on the other hand it saved a lot of confusion.
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 7:59 am
by Worm
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Well, I don't know about any of this, but I was contacted by a lawyer today regarding Caltrops for the first time. I really dislike Register Dot Com requiring your phone number to be available, but on the other hand it saved a lot of confusion.
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 9:38 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
It was unfortunately not full of give-and-take. Some guy hand-transcribed parts of a book which is still being sold on Caltrops back in July. He then posted a link to where you could get the book.
Yesterday, a lawyer for the guys who put together the book called me and got a hold of Vitriola. She forwarded me the call. I had no idea what the thing was in reference to, originally.
After consulting with Fussbett, I learned what thread was the offending one and edited the posts that had the copyrighted content.
It was very boring, actually. Unfortunately. I was hoping the first lawyer that contacted me would have been stewing about a client's bad review.
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 7:19 pm
by Worm
Geez, I guess the guy sits on his ass googling sections of his book? Must be selling real well. You were pretty covert about it, I'd expect a "edit the posts but bring it to everyone attention so maybe the author would get made fun of" approach.
Hey, did you use the search function? I wanted to find the Anne Rice post awhile ago and CTRL+F was better for it, though the search engine is in like pre alpha's alpha right?
Re: Bannings. ?_?
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 1:16 pm
by Jethro Q. Walrustitty
Worm wrote:chris wrote:Yes, I've been banned. Don't get me started on it.
I personally cannot support any forum that bans for any reason but fancy free fun. So by all means, get started.
For the record, the
thread in question is free for anyone to read over on His account was not deleted nor disabled and no messages were deleted. The only users I've ever deleted has been those damn Russian advertising auto-created accounts, which I've now blocked via an image-verification mod. No accounts have ever been disabled, and the only messages that have ever been deleted have been redundant double-posts. Anyone who desires is welcome to view the referenced messages over at groucho.
Let the record show that, in the past, Chris left Jolt Country (twice, I think) and once voluntarily on his own, claiming unfair abuse; in all cases coming back a while later. So it's fair to say that the relationship between Chris and JC as well as groucho has been a bit rocky over the years.
I have no regret over what I said when he left this time, as the board has been (while admittedly slightly quieter, but certainly far from dead) much more fun and the denizens feel more free to post whatever they want. You all are welcome to visit, of course, and I'm glad to see the re-appearance of Worm and the new visits of CO in the past week or so.
I don't plan on reading any responses to this thread to avoid "getting into it" all over again. Just wanted to point out the evidence; take it as you may, if you care.
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 2:04 pm
by pinback
Hey, I hate Chris as much as the next guy, but that whole thread makes JQW look like the World's #1 Whiny Fagbitch.
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 2:13 pm
by chris
pinback wrote:Hey, I hate Chris as much as the next guy, but that whole thread makes JQW look like the World's #1 Whiny Fagbitch.
Yeah, no kidding.
Let the record show that I left JC once after JQW unrepentently insulted my wife's parents. I also left Groucho once and came back later, after I realized that that *I* was being unreasonable about something (and if you scour Groucho, you'll find this to be true).
As for this latest episode, I left Groucho because Jeff wanted me gone, pure and simple. He's more than willing to post messages belittling and insulting others, but when it comes time for people to post, what amounts to constructive criticism, regarding some of his decisions, he gets all defensive and blames us for "looking for reasons to insult him". He's always been like this, and will always be like this, and I have better things to do with my life than to try and explain to a brick wall how to do something the right way. Fuck him.
Now I would appreciate it if ICJ would lock this thread, as I don't want this to turn into another pissing match between JQW and myself. I've had enough of it to last a lifetime.
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 2:21 pm
by Knuckles the CLown
don't you guys live in the same city? Perhaps instead of verbal barbs you could settle it with fists. That's something I'd pay to see. Listen, a few kicks to the groin and hair pulling solves more problems than furiously clickity clacking the keyboard.
I assume one of you is grossly overweight and the other waif thin with adult acne. You could put that shit on pay-per-view. Or maybe you are both grossly overweight!Even better! Anyhow "gamer" fight is just a notch below "cripple" fight on the comedy scale. EVERYONE WINS!!
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 2:59 pm
by Bugs
What a couple of bitches.
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 4:23 pm
by pinback
No kidding. They make me look like KNuckles THe CLown!
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 4:57 pm
by Vitriola
Knuckles the CLown wrote: Listen, a few kicks to the groin and hair pulling solves more problems than furiously clickity clacking the keyboard.
One of them doesn't have any hair, and based on the fact that Chris never stood up once either time I have met him, I assume that, like Pinback's Russian bride, he has no legs.
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 5:31 pm
by Bugs
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 5:38 pm
by pinback
Bugs wrote:Za---
Send us money.
Re: Bannings. ?_?
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 11:48 pm
by Knuckles the CLown
HAHAHA!!! A four page thread about crudely constructed decks. One guy telling everyone the wrong moves they made, one guy who has had enough and another who is too stupid to understand the concept of "stairs"
So then Chris starts waxing poetic on the merits of shelf painting (and I agree, like an annoying smug bastard). Jethro deems that the final straw! The result- They still talk on a "Neutral board". I really would like to see this settled in the ring. PICS PLEASE!
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 11:58 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Knuckles: i just did another funny post
IceCreamJonsey: I finally got Half-Life 2 to work. The fix to stop it from crashing every ten minutes was to put no RAM in the first and third slot, and a piece just in the second slot. I want to kill everyone who works for Valve.
IceCreamJonsey: I saw your post and agree -- this needs to come to fruition IN THE RING
Knuckles: fuck that shit, why do you waste your money on that crap. The black guy I'm in jail with has been playing the French version on PS2 for a couple weeksa
IceCreamJonsey: It's not out for the PS2.
IceCreamJonsey: He's playing Halo for the Xbox.
Knuckles: THE FRENCH VERSION, or for Xbox
IceCreamJonsey: Halo 2, I mean.
IceCreamJonsey: That was the game that had the French version leaked.
Knuckles: which isd the one everyone is creaming there pants for
IceCreamJonsey: Never hit your caps lock key when you're talking to me.
IceCreamJonsey: Never.
IceCreamJonsey: I want you to forget that key is available to you.
Knuckles: I held down shift
IceCreamJonsey: TOUCHE!!!
Re: Bannings. ?_?
Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 6:14 am
by chris
Knuckles the CLown wrote:So then Chris starts waxing poetic on the merits of shelf painting (and I agree, like an annoying smug bastard). Jethro deems that the final straw! The result- They still talk on a "Neutral board". I really would like to see this settled in the ring. PICS PLEASE!
Jeff and I in better times (I'm on the right, he's on the left): ... umbsup.jpg
There's not going to be any fisticuffs here either...neither of us are like that. It's unfortunate that he decided to end a ~20 year friendship, but it's probably for the best....I know that I've benefited from it.
Now can we get onto something else?
Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 10:04 am
by Casual Observer
Knight Rider fucking ROCKED! That was one of my favorite shows as a kid (that and airwolf).