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necrotic drift question.

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 6:45 pm
by stirlock
Hi. I've been playing ND for a while and am loving it. Well, I need some help. How do I save Casey. I've killed the vampire, and Casey needs blood. But I can't seem to be able to do anything with the bag of blood. So, what do I need to do to save her? Thanks.

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 6:50 pm
by Worm
I'm going to try this without spoilers.

Blood and water are the two liquids you get your hands on in the game (pretend there isn't perfume), now, who is thirsty, but doesn't want water?

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 6:51 pm
by pinback
Worm wrote:now, who is thirsty, but doesn't want water?
Right over here.

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 9:16 pm
by stirlock
Hmmmm, still not gitting it. I know I have to give the bag of blood to the specter. But how do I help casey? I tried spraying her with blood, with water, and I tried to combine the blood and water. What do I do?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 10:12 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
stirlock wrote:Hmmmm, still not gitting it. I know I have to give the bag of blood to the specter. But how do I help casey? I tried spraying her with blood, with water, and I tried to combine the blood and water. What do I do?
Well, you'll want to keep the blood cold while you finish up in the mall, and the spectre resonates a deep chill all around him. He'll make an apperance at the end of the game to thank you if you give him the bag of blood.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 6:05 pm
by 2 l4zy 2 l0g1n Lys4ndr
Not to start another long thread on the unfairness of this puzzle/easter egg/whatever you want to call it as that's been done to death, but I think that the major unfair "jump" in this is asuming that the spectre is going to come back. Well, you don't get the hint that the reason why the blood won't work is that it's spoiled until after saving Casey doesn't work, which is unfair in itself, although I suppose that it's kind of an obvious point considering as how it's, oh, 200 years old? Anyway, it's logical to expect that the spectre will chill the blood for you and keep it cold. What's unreasonable is to expect that the spectre will come back and give it to you at the end of the game. No one's going to expect that to happen--the opposite, in fact, is what I would expect to happen; the spectre is thirsty, implying he wants something but not water, implying that he wants to drink it, IE consume it, IE you give it to this thing and never get it back. So people will avoid giving blood to the spectre because they expect that once you do it's gone forever, so you can't use it to save Casey, which is in fact the exact opposite of what is true. And that's not exactly an unfair assumption to make, in my oppinion. Just throwing that out there.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 7:01 pm
by Vitriola
Agreed. I think Robb knows this, though, because when I was finishing this 2 nights ago, he just told me to do it, knowing that never would I have done it otherwise.

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 10:01 am
by Worm
I figured a spectre would want blood. So, I figured that out, not the mummy though.

I think I figured that out. It didn't help because I dicked around too much anyway.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 12:42 am
by stirlock
Yeah, the mummy took me a long time, and almost as long was the time spent trying to figure out how to cure the infection brought on by the mummy's first attack. *grin* I'll have to go finish this though, but I've been bussy with dawn, which is a real gem. It's just as fun, if not more so, than ND.

help with mummy

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 6:32 am
by Lady Strange
I'm enjoying myself thoroughly on Necrotic Drift and have finished the game once with Casey dying on me and without aggravating the mummy.

now that i am replaying it - i am stuck on the mummy. how do i knock the torch down to incinerate the poor creature. I've tried poking at it with the cross, but it does not seem to work. any hints would be helpful

oh, can the salve/ointment be used to treat mummy inflicted wounds? Or do i have to drink from the fountain again?

Re: help with mummy

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 7:56 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Lady Strange wrote:I'm enjoying myself thoroughly on Necrotic Drift and have finished the game once with Casey dying on me and without aggravating the mummy.

now that i am replaying it - i am stuck on the mummy. how do i knock the torch down to incinerate the poor creature. I've tried poking at it with the cross, but it does not seem to work. any hints would be helpful
I think that you can throw something at it and that will knock it down. Let me check on that.

oh, can the salve/ointment be used to treat mummy inflicted wounds? Or do i have to drink from the fountain again?
You betcha! The salve should definitely stop the mummy rot.

Re: help with mummy

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 8:00 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
Lady Strange wrote:I'm enjoying myself thoroughly on Necrotic Drift and have finished the game once with Casey dying on me and without aggravating the mummy.

now that i am replaying it - i am stuck on the mummy. how do i knock the torch down to incinerate the poor creature. I've tried poking at it with the cross, but it does not seem to work. any hints would be helpful
I think that you can throw something at it and that will knock it down. Let me check on that.
This something seems to be the skull, at least in my tests for the game. Hope that helps! And thanks for playing.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 10:06 pm
by Lysander
Lady Strange: this forum usually doesn't look like this. please don't let it put oyu off. That's right, even the blind guy is repulsed by this awful, awful color scheme.

I just wnana know two things. First, can't you throw any object at the beam now? Secondly though, hwo the hell did you manage to finish the game without going down into the basement for the garlic-that-has-no-reason-for-being-in-the-basement-alcove garlic?

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 10:08 pm
by pinback
This was definitely the low point of the game. The puzzle that essentially ruined an otherwise passable IF game.

Any chance for a "director's cut"? Without the god-awful mummy puzzle?

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 11:07 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Lysander wrote:I just wnana know two things. First, can't you throw any object at the beam now?
I think you can. My script just uses the skull, though.
Secondly though, hwo the hell did you manage to finish the game without going down into the basement for the garlic-that-has-no-reason-for-being-in-the-basement-alcove garlic?
What would garlic be doing in a Health and Nutrition Store? It's crazy, I know.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 11:11 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
pinback wrote:This was definitely the low point of the game. The puzzle that essentially ruined an otherwise passable IF game.

Any chance for a "director's cut"? Without the god-awful mummy puzzle?
You said the game irrevocably sucked after Casey and Jarret discussed their lives together outside the Sporting Goods store, not because of the bit with the mummy.

Changing gears: Did anyone get the sense that the girl that got crucified was working on getting out of the mall herself (she started on the lower level, natch) but then messed up and got crucified? Did that come off at all? If it didn't I'll steal that for Creeping Maw and use it there.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 11:29 pm
by Lady Strange
Lysander wrote:Lady Strange: this forum usually doesn't look like this. please don't let it put oyu off. That's right, even the blind guy is repulsed by this awful, awful color scheme.

I just wnana know two things. First, can't you throw any object at the beam now? Secondly though, hwo the hell did you manage to finish the game without going down into the basement for the garlic-that-has-no-reason-for-being-in-the-basement-alcove garlic?
Ah, I was wondering why the colours were so, er..., cheerful. I just left Casey to die the first time i played it. It was a matter of 'sacrifices must be made for the greater good' - sorry, I'm a philosopher, as such, my comments comes across as insane remarks. for that, i apologise.

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 12:14 am
by Lysander
LS: No, I got that, I just thought you needed to have it so that you could touch the vampire. Although I suppose that's what the revenant is for!

ICJ: yeah, down in the basement is totally where I'd put my herbs. Right next to the coffin, too! That's a really sound business decision.

ICJ (again): that thought never ever got through my mind. I dont' even know who crucified her, or why, or who she was; although a part of me really likes to think she's an unfortunate Anthraxia cammio--that girl just never can avoid getting nailed, can she?

ICJ (the third): W T F ? ! ! ?

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 10:04 am
by Vitriola
She came off to me a just a recent victim, not that she was trying to escape.

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 11:25 am
by pinback
You said the game irrevocably sucked after Casey and Jarret discussed their lives together outside the Sporting Goods store, not because of the bit with the mummy.
Well, yes, that was pretty bad.

Which of the game's many flaws was its final undoing, though? Ah well, I suppose in the end it doesn't really matter. No matter whether grandma got run over by a bus or she'd fallen and she couldn't get up, she's still just as dead.