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Fallacy problems.

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2002 3:34 pm
by Worm
>use disc
Which disc do you mean, the compact disc or the source code disc?

>use compact
Which compact do you mean, the compact disc or the source code disc?

>use compact disc
Which compact disc do you mean, the compact disc or the source code disc?

>put code in pack
I put the source code disc in the backpack.

>activate disc
Which disc do you mean, the compact disc or the source code disc?

>activate CD
Which cd do you mean, the compact disc or the source code disc?

>activate the compact disc
Which compact disc do you mean, the compact disc or the source code disc?

Does anyone else see the problem here

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2002 3:45 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Try this -- put the source code disc in the backpack and leave your backpack outside. Then do whatcha need to do with the compact disc.

Putting the compact disc in the CD player only provides optional info (it's possible to solve the game and miss nothing if you don't try to run it). Once you run it, it has no other purpose so you can chuck it. The source code disc is the important one though. So you'd want to hang onto that in the long run.

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2002 6:42 pm
by Worm
I know I'm playing through it twice dicking around like turning in leandra and doing the film quest instead of skipping those things like I did before.