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My Lease-Breaking With IceCreamJonsey
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 7:19 pm
by pinback
IceCreamJonsey: Hey, how did you get out of your lease that I see you had at Mango Bay?
IceCreamJonsey: I mean, I have never seen a lease that gives you any way to do it.
IceCreamJonsey: Mine all say, "You can never leave if you sign a year lease, so don't even think about it." Money is never even mentioned because it's such a ridiculous concept.
IceCreamJonsey: die
IceCreamJonsey signed off at 6:41:57 PM.
IceCreamJonsey signed on at 6:42:12 PM.
IceCreamJonsey: Also I was never your friend and never truly liked you.
IceCreamJonsey signed off at 6:42:23 PM.
In my experience, 95% of all places will let you break the lease if you pay them the "lease break fee", generally one month's rent. Only one place I've ever lived said, "Nope, you owe us the full amount, or else", and in that case, I just left 'em the extra month's rent and split town in the middle of the night.
Either way works.
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 7:21 pm
by pinback
(Here, I'm going on the assumption that ICJ's absolutely vile behavior the last week has been due to him thinking he's being funny, or for BBS content, or whatever, and not because he is truly such a repugnant, immature personality.)
Re: My Lease-Breaking With IceCreamJonsey
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 8:06 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
pinback wrote:In my experience, 95% of all places will let you break the lease if you pay them the "lease break fee", generally one month's rent. Only one place I've ever lived said, "Nope, you owe us the full amount, or else", and in that case, I just left 'em the extra month's rent and split town in the middle of the night. Either way works.
Yeah, how did you leave them the extra month's rent?
It is HILARIOUS to me that they expect you there for all twelve months if, say, you want to bow out after four. Or, like yourself, one.
And I bet the people who work in rental offices have horrible views of renters. "How... how
dare they? They got a new job or bought a house or reached that horrible nadir of life and had to do it all in a different place and wanted a reasonable rent price which is totally why they signed up for a year and didn't let us gouge them month to month...?!! How
dare they?"
I just know that my relationship with my rental company is going to eventually be very, very poor. They just don't leave you any wiggle room.
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 8:07 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
pinback wrote:(Here, I'm going on the assumption that ICJ's absolutely vile behavior the last week has been due to him thinking he's being funny, or for BBS content, or whatever, and not because he is truly such a repugnant, immature personality.)
Yes, I never truly liked him either.
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 8:42 pm
by Vitriola
Every place I've ever had a lease would let you out if a few things happened, namely new job elsewhere, change in marital status, family member death, or the like.
Then there was the place who wouldn't let me pro-rate an extra 2 weeks, so we left in the middle of the night without paying that month at all.
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 8:44 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
So it looks like the answer for rental companies is "be reasonable, otherwise people leave and you get nothing."
Re: My Lease-Breaking With IceCreamJonsey
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 9:41 pm
by pinback
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Yeah, how did you leave them the extra month's rent?
Most places have that little "rent drop" slot. I put it in there, under the shrowd of darkness, occasionally with cats waiting in the car, and then burn rubber outta there.
Leave no forwarding address.
Leave no trace.
Move as the wind.
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 5:00 am
by Worm
Okay, the whole "Sign off, sign back on, say something, sign off again" thing sucks when you can't think of anything.
Session Start (insertclichename:IceCreamJonsey): Wed Jan 05 20:41:36 2005
[20:41 01/05/2005] InsertClicheName: Legacy of Kain is running like shit.
[20:41 01/05/2005] IceCreamJonsey: SOUND THE ALARM
[20:42 01/05/2005] InsertClicheName: BREAK THE GLASS THAT WE KEEP THE AXES BEHIND
[20:42 01/05/2005] *** "IceCreamJonsey" signed off at Wed Jan 05 20:42:37 2005.
[20:42 01/05/2005] *** "IceCreamJonsey" signed on at Wed Jan 05 20:42:52 2005.
[20:43 01/05/2005] *** "IceCreamJonsey" signed off at Wed Jan 05 20:43:04 2005.
Session Close (IceCreamJonsey): Wed Jan 05 20:45:16 2005
Also queer, that he must be blocking/unblocking to achieve these sign ons/offs so quickly.
Anyone have an idea how to get Bloodomen to run well?
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:40 am
by Lysander
Is this AIM you guys are talking about? Because I haven't seen him on AIM all evening yesterday.
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 2:29 pm
by Jethro Q. Walrustitty