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Rack em!

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 3:52 pm
by milkunits
Should Robb move closer to his buddy milker down near the Denver Tech Center?

Come on now Robb. The days of free candy bars are over.

I have told you for years that you are missing the big cash out with your computer skillz. It is time for you to take it to the top Robb Sherwin.

I am glad to hear that the thought of Rackin it at said company has now kicked you in the rear. I want my buddy Robb to make the big bucks. I mean come on, I know you did not spend your days at the Cuse to change jumpers on motherboards at said company.

You are far to radicule for the likes of a Tim Pearly. You have been held down to long Robb. It is your time Bro!

Call that recruiter pronto and stop the bleeding. No one should hate going to work like you are now.

Strap it on and bring the bacon back to Longmont. At least for a little while longer. That is untill you move down where the big bucks are :)

My name is Milker, and I approve this message.

Nice Rack!

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 4:06 pm
by milkunits
One other thought to ponder Robb:

The test rack will never be what it was when Milker ran it. I mean think of the quality games we utliized for testing back then.

Think of the times when we would test the sound drivers with saying such as "You need to get a butt fer yer assssss"

You have grown up Robb. You have taken your skillzzzz to a new level.

As to expand this topic to others, may I suggest the following good recruiter for jobs in Denver:

Now Robb you will never have to ask for the lead again :)

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 4:37 pm
by Worm
Did milker forget his password?

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 5:09 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
No. I spoke with Milker because he knew of a recruiter that got him into a job he likes. I have never hated anything as much as I hate my current job.

It wassss, Soap poisoninggggg

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 5:36 pm
by milker
I am now good to go!

Logged back in.



Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:19 pm
by milker
(.) (.)

Any luck R(.)bb? Did you call that recruiter?

Did you get you some (.) (.)?

Re: Fat RACK!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 5:28 pm
by Worm
milker wrote:Did you get you some (.) (.)?
Yeah, how did that operation go?

Oh yeah

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 3:30 pm
by milker

Robb what kind of burrito you want man?


Well, I submitted Robb's resume at my established place of employment today. They sound interested :)

The HR gal wrote back and said this looks awesome and that she intends to bring in my referals for interviews.

Sounds like Robb needs to borrow a suit.

This would be awesome for your Robb. More money and the chance to travel to Japan as our parent company is in Japan.

Do you like Japanese School Girls Robb? If you wanted, you could even buy Vitriola some leg stockings and the whole garb while your there.

I am leaving for Japan in 3 weeks. This company is so cool, they even said my wife can go with me.

Make it happen Robb. Your our only chance!

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 3:32 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Wait, a suit for the interview or for work everyday?

By "suit" do you mean "Aaron Brooks #2 jersey"?

No suit for you!

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 3:40 pm
by milker
Oh heck no on the suit for work thing. I am wearing a speedo here at my desk right now.

I would do the nice Mr. Smith suit you borrowed from that one movie and wear that.

That way when they ask you an interview question you don't know you can do that cool dodging bullet thing you do.

If you get on here, I will personally help you burn your jersey collection.

You are not #2 anymore Robb. You are #1.

Re: No suit for you!

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 3:51 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
milker wrote:You are not #2 anymore Robb. You are #1.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:25 am
by Lex
No! Robb wants to move to EDINBURGH, Scotland! Rockstar are going batshit-crazy attempting to hire people of every kind; they're printing ads in Edge and in local papers looking for level designers, effects coders, animation animators, etc.

Strap it on Robb

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 7:36 pm
by milker
I spend an hour tonight polishing the employment possibilities for you with my boss, and I hear you are sleeping?????????

For the love of god man, wake up and take life by the balls man.

Seriously, I presented you as the second coming of christ tonight and what am I to do....

Tell them you are sleeping?

This is your big chance buddy! Your time to shine!

Get up out of bed and give milker a call ASAP.

I need to prep you and make sure you shine your shoes and balls prior to the interview.

Lets go! Bring the bacon back to Longmont buddy!

Re: Strap it on Robb

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 8:07 pm
by Worm
milker wrote:For the love of god man, wake up and take life by the balls man.

Re: Strap it on Robb

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 10:39 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
milker wrote:I spend an hour tonight polishing the employment possibilities for you with my boss, and I hear you are sleeping?????????
For the love of god man, wake up and take life by the balls man.
I did that earlier in the day. I've got Old Man Winter's nutcase in a jar on my desk.

Seriously, I presented you as the second coming of christ tonight and what am I to do....
You told them I don't require sleep!!?

Tell them you are sleeping?

This is your big chance buddy! Your time to shine! Get up out of bed and give milker a call ASAP. I need to prep you and make sure you shine your shoes and balls prior to the interview.
I was going to bring a bowling ball to the interview in case there were any question as to whether or not I was deadly with it. Should I shine that, too?

Lets go! Bring the bacon back to Longmont buddy!
They ought to have "" to go with ""


Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 5:42 pm
by milker
Robb interview:

2:00 PM MST Monday.

Bring your A game Sammy Sosa.

Bassssebollllll been veedddy vedddy good to me.

Khaki cuts

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 4:10 pm
by milker
Robb just left from his big interview. Looks like the Milker, Robb combo will soon be back in action!

We are gonna get a butt fer this place and bring QA to the next level.

I tell you what Robb, the report is you did awesome during the interview and if you were asked salary requirements, then that is a good thing.

You have good skillzzzzz.

Those khakis you had on were ironed so well, I would have cut my finger on the crease.

Good job man, now we need to move you down here.


Re: Khaki cuts

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 8:25 pm
by chris
milker wrote:I tell you what Robb, the report is you did awesome during the interview and if you were asked salary requirements, then that is a good thing.
I wouldn't say that. Asking an interviewee about salary is one of the things an interviewer almost always asks during the first round of interviews. It helps them quickly weed out people with unreasonable salary expectations.

If I may ask, for whom did he interview?

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 9:47 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Let me see what happens here and not speak of it so I don't jinx it until I know. Milker is throwing a huge black cat onto my face presently. I will reveal all soon.

In the meantime, here is a picture of Sinestro looking at a woman like she was birthday cake, which explains why he never got either:


No more sitting around in your spidey underooos for Robb!!

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 3:52 pm
by milker
Congratulation to Robb on his new employment. Back to working with the ole milker!!!

You remember that time you wore your Tasker jersey and I called you Multi - Tasker. That was funny huh???

Awesome news Robb!!!