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Jack Thompson
Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 12:47 pm
by milker
Oh my, I thought I had read it all on the internet, but today takes the cake.
Has anyone heard of this douche bag Jack Thompson? I guess he is some lawyer type in Florida that is politically driven in shooting down the video game industry.
The reason I bring this up is, I am curious to know what everyone thinks of this dude. I read some of the blogs and history on this guy and I get little pains in my brain.
Someone needs to give this guy a new hobby.
Anyone else got any dirt on this on this thumper?
Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 12:52 pm
by milker ... e-bag.html
I may be late showing up to the game on this, but when I read this today, it really made me pissed.
I read in one of the articles where he suggests teaching kids to shoot hoops and not people.
Oh that is smart, like the NBA is any better.
I have to vomit, I will be right back.
Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 1:11 pm
by milker
I am back, I puked up chunks of bread and wine.
Dude, is this another case of the "world according to me" episodes.
What gives anyone the right to think their way is the complete and total right way to do things.
I have really had it with the hypocrites I continue to read about and hear about.
Time and time again I read about people like this bolgna pony that know nothing about what they are talking about take up issue with something they have not experienced or understand.
Oscar Meyer should go back to Dade County and find all those missing ballots from a few years ago and leave things alone he can not and will not control.
Old Timer Sausage needs to keep his opinion to himself and invest his energies maybe in raising his own children or donate time teaching 11th graders how to beat people up during halftime of an NBA game.
Corn Dog needs to suggest a solution rather then blabbing out rehashed media clips to prove his uneducated opinion.
Thats it, I have to go release little Jack Thompson's to the fecal matter release chamber.
Freshly wiped
Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 1:40 pm
by milker
Ok, I am not done yet.
One more little turd to share.
Then I go on to read how this guy is suing everyone and their dog retailer based upon these games.
What is a guy like this going to do with 300 million? Spread more of his boring beliefs and out dated opinions?
If people want to see violence, I have a nice little stretch of highway here in Denver that would work very nicely.
That is it, I am suing CDOT here in Colorado because their road ways cause people to drive like shit and not use their blinker.
With my 300 million, I am going to invent an instrument that automatically turns the blinker on when the steering wheel is turned to the left or right.
Now, who deserves the 300 million more? Me with an idea that actually solves a problem we all get frustrated with from time to time, or this dude who on Sunday sits in the front pew and then tailgates and doesn't follow the law when driving?
USE YOUR DAMN HEAD JACK THOMPSON other then for a comb over and a hat.
Re: Jack Thompson
Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 6:11 pm
by chris
milker wrote:Oh my, I thought I had read it all on the internet, but today takes the cake.
Has anyone heard of this douche bag Jack Thompson? I guess he is some lawyer type in Florida that is politically driven in shooting down the video game industry.
I wonder if this is the same guy who constantly writes letters to the FCC, compaining about pretty much anything and everything Howard Stern says. I know the guy who does this is a lawyer in Florida.
Speaking of lawyers, I heard today that the Cellino & Barnes (the fuckstick lawfirm that's always on TV/billboards drumming up personal injury lawsuits) is of the two is getting disbarred. 1 down, 1000 to go.
Re: Jack Thompson
Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 9:13 pm
by nessman
Re: Jack Thompson
Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 5:28 am
by chris
nessman wrote:
No shit - where'd you see that?
It's not common knowledge.....I know somebody who works at a law firm, and some of the attorneys there know about it (and were talking about it where this person could overhear it).
I was also told that the two are extremely wealthy.

Re: Jack Thompson
Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 9:03 am
by nessman
chris wrote:I was also told that the two are extremely wealthy.

No doubt - I'm sure the ad agency they work with is also sharing in the wealth.