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Jolt Country is my Ebay depot!

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 9:56 am
by milker
Up for sale today boys and girls is a nice Tmobile Danger Sidekick 2.

Anyone out there need a good communication device?

Check out this auction: ... RK:MESE:IT

Bid today!

Today is your day bro!!!!!

Re: Jolt Country is my Ebay depot!

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 12:35 pm
by chris
milker wrote:Up for sale today boys and girls is a nice Tmobile Danger Sidekick 2.

Anyone out there need a good communication device?
Yeah, everybody that currently owns a TMobile Danger device: ... 04966.html

You ruined my record mannnn, I just bought ittttttt!

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 1:36 pm
by milker
Yeah, my lord what a joke!

I share the same views as the guy they interviewed. This is the worst outage I have ever seen.

Man, I can only imagine the smell that the NOC and network engineering room is after a 4 day outage. They will probably need to bring in the Meth cleanup team.

Other then the crappy service, the device is outstanding. They really did have some good ideas, but the network is sub standard and a joke!

I have a Treo 650 on hold for me :)

I was cool like Paris, but now I am a dweeb like Fred Durst!

Get your little fanny perpendicular outta bed!

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 5:01 pm
by chris
I used to use Palm Pilots to store all of my important data, until I realized the beautiful simplicity of a $1.49 memo pad. Why anybody thinks they need an electronic device to write down phone numbers (and have that data sent to somebody's insecure server as well) is beyond me.

Re: Get your little fanny perpendicular outta bed!

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 10:01 pm
by nessman
chris wrote:I used to use Palm Pilots to store all of my important data, until I realized the beautiful simplicity of a $1.49 memo pad. Why anybody thinks they need an electronic device to write down phone numbers (and have that data sent to somebody's insecure server as well) is beyond me.
At work I have a Palm VII (actually a Symbol barcode scanner built on the Palm platform we use for asset management), an Ipaq 1945 as my official PDA (gets used most often as an MP3 player for the car), and while I don't have one (yet) - most managers at work have a BlackBerry which I would like to get but a.) I'm just a mere cog in the machine and b.) the damn thing is too bulky to wear on a belt and use as a cell phone... but if they gave me one anyway I'd take it - it is a neat toy.