Beating the night
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 6:55 am
Here are some random thoughts as I pulled an all-nighter, in order to get my schedule back on track:
o They put that $37.95 price on the MLB Extra Innings channel. But haha, it's of course four installments thereof. I love how four seems to be the best way for them to swing that and not seven or something, like four is not deceptive. But anyway, each year I say to myself that I should get it, and then I decide to wait for the first month of the season and see if the Jays are in it. This test has not really let me down since I've been getting Directv.
o I recently downloaded what I think is the latest Goo goo Dolls album. The chubby bassist is still writing and singing on half the songs. None of the ones that get played on the radio, but still enough to make each of their albums unlistenable if played all the way through. Is there a more loyal guy in the history of there being males on this planet than lead singer and guitarist John Rzeznik? I can't even come up with a slippery slope to try to make this funnier. Mars giving a pathetic chunk of shitrock like Phobos play for all these centuries doesn't even qualify as Phobos's orbit will crash it into Mars in 50 million years. In 50 million years I don't think Rzeznik would have Robby's tracks convienently moved to the end of the disc yet.
o Dayna was asleep and had already seen Plan 9 From Outer Space, and I was thinking that right about now would be a good time to pop it in. The thing is... well, I'm going to go ahead and guess that Ed Wood Jr. didn't get a very nuanced performance out of his giant rubber sea creature and that I either had to have the volume up really loud (and would wake her up) or put sub-titles on. However! However, I am giving 2-1 odds that this thing didn't exactly get the Miramax Gold Box treatment and that when I press the "SUBTITLE" button on my DVD player I'm going to get in return the one and only and constant "SUBTITLE OFF" no matter how many times I press it.
o I think I miss Protagonist X.
o I think March is shaping up to be a great month if you've got a good $300 to blow on video games. Jets N' Guns is a fantastic buy at $20, Supremacy: Four Paths for Power sounds like a good RTS game even if you hate that sort of thing, Freedom Force versus the Third Reich is sitting on my drive waiting for me to work up the desire to play it, Darwinia ... ah... got released and now we've got the new N.A.R.C. and God of War. N.A.R.C. at twenty bucks, too! Fucking A. (One of my fondest memories from the CGE was grabbing the NARC game on freeplay and going through it with Roody. There is just something about two guys with automatic weapons shooting virtually everyone in sight stopping everything to hop into a convertible where they proceed to run people over for a little while instead.) There used to be exactly one time that decent games got released and it was the month between Thanksgiving and Christmas. But the real reason I am writing this is that Bloodrayne 2 for the X-box is still being sold for $50 at EB which is possibly the funniest factoid that just won't go away. I am planning on writing a weekly column for this site again and the second one will almost definitely be all the games Majesco expects to compete with for this game about a bucktoothed stripper tarting around on a blood-soaked pole. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Wait:
o Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Bloodrayne 2 or Half-Life 2? Huh!!!?! Bloodrayne 2 or Future Boy?? Geez, LET ME THINK, ah... Bloodrayne 2 or Resident Evil 4 -- wait, this one deserves its own bullet.
o Resident Evil 4 is the best game I've played since the original Freedom Force. It's so good you can't talk about it. Every issue I had with it would have been solved if I had bothered to read the manual, which I haven't. Anyone who gave it less than a perfect score is doing the game a disservice. OK, admittedly I am not quite finished with it yet and there is a section coming up where you play as the girl, who can't shoot anyone, but still. This is the most boring sub-section because of how good the game is. Man, Fuck RE4.
o They put that $37.95 price on the MLB Extra Innings channel. But haha, it's of course four installments thereof. I love how four seems to be the best way for them to swing that and not seven or something, like four is not deceptive. But anyway, each year I say to myself that I should get it, and then I decide to wait for the first month of the season and see if the Jays are in it. This test has not really let me down since I've been getting Directv.
o I recently downloaded what I think is the latest Goo goo Dolls album. The chubby bassist is still writing and singing on half the songs. None of the ones that get played on the radio, but still enough to make each of their albums unlistenable if played all the way through. Is there a more loyal guy in the history of there being males on this planet than lead singer and guitarist John Rzeznik? I can't even come up with a slippery slope to try to make this funnier. Mars giving a pathetic chunk of shitrock like Phobos play for all these centuries doesn't even qualify as Phobos's orbit will crash it into Mars in 50 million years. In 50 million years I don't think Rzeznik would have Robby's tracks convienently moved to the end of the disc yet.
o Dayna was asleep and had already seen Plan 9 From Outer Space, and I was thinking that right about now would be a good time to pop it in. The thing is... well, I'm going to go ahead and guess that Ed Wood Jr. didn't get a very nuanced performance out of his giant rubber sea creature and that I either had to have the volume up really loud (and would wake her up) or put sub-titles on. However! However, I am giving 2-1 odds that this thing didn't exactly get the Miramax Gold Box treatment and that when I press the "SUBTITLE" button on my DVD player I'm going to get in return the one and only and constant "SUBTITLE OFF" no matter how many times I press it.
o I think I miss Protagonist X.
o I think March is shaping up to be a great month if you've got a good $300 to blow on video games. Jets N' Guns is a fantastic buy at $20, Supremacy: Four Paths for Power sounds like a good RTS game even if you hate that sort of thing, Freedom Force versus the Third Reich is sitting on my drive waiting for me to work up the desire to play it, Darwinia ... ah... got released and now we've got the new N.A.R.C. and God of War. N.A.R.C. at twenty bucks, too! Fucking A. (One of my fondest memories from the CGE was grabbing the NARC game on freeplay and going through it with Roody. There is just something about two guys with automatic weapons shooting virtually everyone in sight stopping everything to hop into a convertible where they proceed to run people over for a little while instead.) There used to be exactly one time that decent games got released and it was the month between Thanksgiving and Christmas. But the real reason I am writing this is that Bloodrayne 2 for the X-box is still being sold for $50 at EB which is possibly the funniest factoid that just won't go away. I am planning on writing a weekly column for this site again and the second one will almost definitely be all the games Majesco expects to compete with for this game about a bucktoothed stripper tarting around on a blood-soaked pole. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Wait:
o Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Bloodrayne 2 or Half-Life 2? Huh!!!?! Bloodrayne 2 or Future Boy?? Geez, LET ME THINK, ah... Bloodrayne 2 or Resident Evil 4 -- wait, this one deserves its own bullet.
o Resident Evil 4 is the best game I've played since the original Freedom Force. It's so good you can't talk about it. Every issue I had with it would have been solved if I had bothered to read the manual, which I haven't. Anyone who gave it less than a perfect score is doing the game a disservice. OK, admittedly I am not quite finished with it yet and there is a section coming up where you play as the girl, who can't shoot anyone, but still. This is the most boring sub-section because of how good the game is. Man, Fuck RE4.