The most terrifying disclaimer in history
Posted: Sun May 15, 2005 1:33 pm
So, I'm filling out a survey for Wind-Up, because if I do then they will put me into a drawing where I might (I.E: won't) win a Pioneer DVD recorder or a Gamecube or some Teeshirts or something. I'm reading teh rules of the contest, and this last one sticks out at me:
12. The acceptance of the prize will constitute the winners representation that he or she has complied fully with all of the official rules of the Contest. In accepting the prize, the winner will be deemed to have released and exempted Wind-up and its related companies, affiliates, officers, directors and agencies (collectively "Releasees") from any and all actions, causes of action, suits, claim, damages and demands, whether known or unknown, which the winner ever had, now has or may have, by reason of any loss arising out of or in relation to the winner's use of the prize, including but not limited to personal injury or death, except such action, damages, claims and demands caused only and directly by the gross negligence of the Releasees.
Really, this speaks for itself, but i just have to wonder, what possible excuse is there for this paragraph? How can someone die becasue of a teeshirt and then ahve that be the distributor's fault? The fact taht they saw a need to put that in there chills me to the very bone.
12. The acceptance of the prize will constitute the winners representation that he or she has complied fully with all of the official rules of the Contest. In accepting the prize, the winner will be deemed to have released and exempted Wind-up and its related companies, affiliates, officers, directors and agencies (collectively "Releasees") from any and all actions, causes of action, suits, claim, damages and demands, whether known or unknown, which the winner ever had, now has or may have, by reason of any loss arising out of or in relation to the winner's use of the prize, including but not limited to personal injury or death, except such action, damages, claims and demands caused only and directly by the gross negligence of the Releasees.
Really, this speaks for itself, but i just have to wonder, what possible excuse is there for this paragraph? How can someone die becasue of a teeshirt and then ahve that be the distributor's fault? The fact taht they saw a need to put that in there chills me to the very bone.