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Reno 911!

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 12:58 pm
by pinback
Okay, let's take it outside.

I say Reno 911 is one of the five, if not one of the three, if not one of the one funniest shows on television.

Apparently, certain others on this BBS disagree.

Let us engage in an engaging, lively discourse to discover the correct answer.

Re: Reno 911!

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 1:19 pm
by chris
pinback wrote:Okay, let's take it outside.

I say Reno 911 is one of the five, if not one of the three, if not one of the one funniest shows on television.

Apparently, certain others on this BBS disagree.

Let us engage in an engaging, lively discourse to discover the correct answer.
I tried to watch it, and couldn't. Comedy Central is a network of extremes....they can produce comedy gold like "The Man Show" and "Let's Bowl" on one day, and (IMHO) awful shows like "Strangers with Candy" and "Reno 911" the next.

It's time for me to leave work....I'll expound on this later.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 1:32 pm
by pinback
The Boringest Man in the Universe says he doesn't find Reno 911 funny.

I think that counts as a positive review.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 2:22 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
My brother once described the episode where they had a Scavanger Hunt.

It was possibly the funniest description of a television episode that I had ever heard.

I wish, terribly, to see this episode. But what times does CC have it on. 34 O'Clock? Oh, 35? Who the fuck knows. Yeah, I'm not Mister I Don't Watch Television because I don't watch television, I just spend a quarter of my day commuting and there is no tv in my car. ("Oh, but it's not safe!!!" Really! It's totally not safe to watch TV while moving. Fortunately not an issue in any way for me.)

But I will not rest until I have seen the Scavanger Hunt episode of Reno 911.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 2:52 pm
by Lysander
The man show is funny?

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 3:12 pm
by chris
pinback wrote:The Boringest Man in the Universe says he doesn't find Reno 911 funny.

I think that counts as a positive review.
You post crap like this, then wonder why there isn't any "engaging, lively discourse" on this board? The blame is squarely on your drooping, bepringled shoulders.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 3:36 pm
by pinback
Lysander wrote:The man show is funny?
I'm with this guy.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 3:36 pm
by pinback
chris wrote:
pinback wrote:The Boringest Man in the Universe says he doesn't find Reno 911 funny.

I think that counts as a positive review.
You post crap like this, then wonder why there isn't any "engaging, lively discourse" on this board? The blame is squarely on your drooping, bepringled shoulders.
You know, it's okay to NOT post things, Chris. You can just be a reader! That's what I suggest. Just read!

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 4:43 pm
by chris
pinback wrote:You know, it's okay to NOT post things, Chris. You can just be a reader! That's what I suggest. Just read!'re an asshole when you're drunk, AND an asshole when you're sober!

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 5:13 pm
by Vitriola
I saw one episode where they had a bunch of goth/Satanic kids, and I KNEW the joke was going to be the cop going into their alley/garage and telling them how to do their ceremony better and shit. So I'll call predictable on this show, although I have seen 1 episode. I recall laughing at some point, just not what about. My cat could have been sitting on the tv chasing the people again.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 5:23 pm
by pinback
The scavenger hunt episode was funny, but only as much as nearly every other episode.

Vitriola predicts everything on television is going to end with police teaching goth rituals.

And I find it very interesting that your brother made that comment.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 6:35 pm
by Jack Straw
man this post sucks.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 8:25 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
pinback wrote:The scavenger hunt episode was funny, but only as much as nearly every other episode.

Vitriola predicts everything on television is going to end with police teaching goth rituals.

And I find it very interesting that your brother made that comment.
My brother loves Reno 911. If you ask him about it there is a good chance he will do the thing when he laughs where he snorts.

I can't imagine any episode being better than the scavenger hunt. That's inspired TV. I want to actually watch it. The last time I actually wanted to watch television was when my friend pretended to put me on it. ("Don't you want to watch the Saints?" Yeah kid I love me some 8-8 football.) Let me elaborate.

My friend -- you know him as "Yehoweh Porn" -- works for ESPNews. They have a segment during football season where fans write in their abusive e-mails to the fans, coaches and players their football team will be facing in the upcoming week. Or so I thought! I wrote in but my friend did NOT take the unflattering message I wrote for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers but instead something about whether Joe Horn catch a football in traffic. Needless to say I waited to see me -- Robb from Fort Collins -- on ESPNews. And of course, what I wrote was CASTRATED. Catch in traffic? Don't get me started about fucking traffic.

So now the big new thing I want to watch on TV is the scavanger hunt. Is this "Reno 911" thing available as Netflaxen yet?