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New "Superman" director... some kind of prick?

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2002 2:54 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
From this: ... per17.html

The director is Brett Ratner, whose previous work includes "Rush Hour."

Choice quotes:
Let's get right to the question that's like kryptonite: Who will play Superman? "Nicolas Cage really wanted to do it for years, but he's too old now," Ratner says.
OK, this is kind of funny.

As for the story, Ratner's going back to the beginning. "It will be the origins story with a fantastic script that explains more than you've ever seen before," he says.

Since Christopher Reeve's first outing as "Superman" in 1978 did a good job in that department, what can Ratner bring to the party?

"That movie was made over a decade ago," he says. "It was good, but the studio didn't have the technology that we have now. Can you imagine a really good 'Superman' in 2003 with all the new special effects? I think that could be something amazing."
Wow, what a fucking retard. First off, the last comic movie that needs to be made is frigging Superman's origin. Secondly, Can I imagine all the new special effects? Oh, yeah, sure, definitely. Make sure that Superman is on top of some giant, random beast's back doing the "surfing" thing, because it looked so good when Legolas did it in LOTR and when Anakin did it in Episode Two. CGI FAWKIN' RULES, MAN!

In regards to the Superman vs Batman script:
"I know you've heard about this 'Batman vs. Superman' movie, but that's getting scrapped because of my film. Anyway, I don't see how that film could have been done because Superman would have certainly killed Batman."
Jesus fucking Christ.

I hate to be the guy who announces that a movie will "suck" three years before it hits theatres... actually, hell, I don't. This Superman movie is going to fucking blow. The only thing more boring than Superman himself is his frigging "origin."

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2002 4:04 pm
by Worm
Who doesn't know Superman's fucking origin tell me that!?!

I have seen retellings of Superman's origin in the following A MAD magazine, a Superfriends episode, a Tiny Toons episode, a Superman episode, a Batman episode, and probably in an episode of Bobby's World.

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2002 4:30 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Exactly. I think they also worked it into Reader's Digest, "People" Magazine, and in scrawled, nigh-illegible script placed awkwardly upon the bathroom stall doors at numerous "Diamond Shamrock" gas stations nationwide.

The Batman v Supes thing would have at least been a story that was somewhat new. But hell, the director there made an enormous amount of money in a frigging buddy cop movie, so if he's learned anything, it's that pissing on the face of originality is only going to help him.

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2002 9:43 pm
by Worm
Damn shame. I guess I'll just wait for The Tuxedo to come out. Jennifer Love Hewwit prancing around like some porcelain doll her head in contrast to her body reminds me of the little girl from Hamtaro with a rack ... I'd just want her under glass like a little music box and then, Jackey Chan running into things. How can I go wrong?

The Daredevil looks good ... main reason I trust this movie is that Kevin Smith believes it will be good. The Hulk seems cool too alas, everyone is trying to ride the pox ridden train of comic book based movies to success. It will work ... it will work. In about four years I am sure we will have "The Chronicles of the Blob", "The Flash: A story of impotence", "X-Men 3 'Gambit still isn't in the fucking movie' ", "Spiderman 2 'Vemon and Carnage still aren't in the fucking movie' ", and not to mention "Superman Redux 'We are going to fucking sell the story as Superman coming up from underground' " Maybe I'll just rent old Kung Fu movies and anime I really do need to further bastardize my preconceptions of oriental culture.

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2002 12:56 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Just caught this on "Ain't It Cool News" regarding the script they are apparently going with for the new Superman flick:

I always thought that Superman was an incredibly boring character, so if this franchise is ruined I am not going to give it much thought, but the tail end of that script is rather, ah, out there, according to that article.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2002 11:12 pm
by Worm
A few days ago I went on and saw a poor bugger get his head cut off in streaming video.

This script is worse.