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Workplace Hijinx

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 7:52 pm
by Knuckles the CLown
As some of you may or may not know/care I currently am ungainfully employed at Eastman Kodak Company. I get a front row seat to the destruction of this once industry giant.
Without a doubt the demise of Kodak will benefit this community that has pinned their hopes and dreams on it. Sure people will have to sell pet bunnies for food and the whores will be in full force ala Flint, MI, but look how it turned out there- 4 young blackman (Mateen Cleaves, Morris Peterson etc..)who would otherwise be working at GM were unable to secure jobs out of high school forced to learn basketball and provided Michigan State with a National Championship in 1999. The fall of Kodak will do untold good for the University of Rochester’s Yellow Jackets sports teams.

Anyhow, I thought I'd share some funny happenings at this rotting corporation.

Friday July 22nd.

At my morning meeting.....yes I have a meeting everyday at 8:00. I move boxes from random place to random place and that requires a daily meeting. The meeting is held in what as known as a "Peace Room" it used to be known as the War Room, but that was changed by someone infinitely smarter than me. We also have street names in my building. You can find the peace room at the corner of Safety Way and Diversity Pathway. Why one is a way and one a pathway I'll never know, they both inevitably lead to the Kingdom of Failure. At my meeting, I listen to my Vietnamese boss speak incoherently, my bloated Strawberry Shortcake look-al-like Supervisor nod along approvingly even though she can't make heads nor tales of the gibberish coming out my bosses mouth.

Anyhow, I'm told we are receiving new ergonomic friendly knives. They are meant to replace the current knives Kodak has used without incident for 30 years. We are told we will have a class on proper knife use at 10 am. I make a joke to my colleagues that we will be having spoon and fork class at noon. Without batting an eye these brainwashed morons ask where.

The knife safety class goes without incident until the part of the syllabus where blade management is taught. Upon be taught how to change the blade one of our 27 years on the job vets manages to scream "motherfucker" at a very loud level, for he has just sliced a chunk of his own thumb that I would describe as medium to large. He is bleeding like Phil Hartman in the steroid Olympics sketch. Much like John Doe in S7VEN being unable to stop laughing when puking on a guy I cannot stop the chuckling.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 8:05 pm
by AArdvark
We are told we will have a class on proper knife use at 10 am.
Upon be taught how to change the blade one of our 27 years on the job vets
27 years in S/R and the guy can't change a utility knife blade without hurting himself. You are making this up, right?

I see why the big yellow K is heading for bankruptcy.

In related news (sort of) they announced that Valeo is closing.
it used to be called Delco and they made those big boxy car radios and wiper relays and other GM hardware.
Now the entire plant is closing and GM will buy thier parts from Mexico.
What you may not know is that most of these guys learned
how to load parts, press a button, unload parts. that's all they needed to know. That's all they learned. They did that very well and got paid lots of money. Now they have to find jobs. This could be bad for them. I hope McD's is hiring.


Re: Workplace Hijinx

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 8:10 pm
by chris
Knuckles the CLown wrote:
The knife safety class goes without incident until the part of the syllabus where blade management is taught. Upon be taught how to change the blade one of our 27 years on the job vets manages to scream "motherfucker" at a very loud level, for he has just sliced a chunk of his own thumb that I would describe as medium to large. He is bleeding like Phil Hartman in the steroid Olympics sketch. Much like John Doe in S7VEN being unable to stop laughing when puking on a guy I cannot stop the chuckling.
The stupidity of the average American continually astounds me. At what point do grown adults need reminders that knife=sharp? The sad thing is that this guy could very well call up THE BARNES FIRM and sue Kodak over this.

"Hurt on the job? Don't take responsibility for your's somebody else's fault, so SUE THEM FOR MILLIONS!!!"*

Oh, and if improving the Yellowjackets basketball team results in the University getting more income, and that results in me getting bigger raises, I'm all for it. The UofR is now the area's largest employer, ya know.

* - The lawfirm gets the millions, you get $3.50 and a spiffy "THE BARNES FIRM" keychain.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 8:17 pm
by chris
AArdvark wrote: In related news (sort of) they announced that Valeo is closing.
it used to be called Delco and they made those big boxy car radios and wiper relays and other GM hardware.
Now the entire plant is closing and GM will buy thier parts from Mexico.
Delco already makes the radios in Mexico....they moved their production there a few years ago, since NAFTA allows them to do so with pretty much no penalties.

And now the House of Representatives has passed CAFTA (by 2 fucking votes), so now what's left of American industry can be moved to a whole bunch of new Central American countries. More profits for big corporations, and more lost jobs for the average guy. President FUCKTARD W. FUCKTARD goes around saying "it'll create new markets for American products". Nevermind the fact that the average worker down there makes about $3/week and can't afford American-made products to begin with. In his twisted, bizarre world, this is good for America. :evil:

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 9:10 pm
by Knuckles the CLown
The delco castoffs are everywhere providing their years of expierence of drinking during lunch and smoking doobs while working (while making $40/hour) to a workplace near you. Now they make $10 an hour and get drug tested. Poor bastarsd

Re: Workplace Hijinx

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 9:33 pm
by pinback
chris wrote:The stupidity of the average American continually astounds me.
I'm not convinced the average American is any stupider than the average anywhere-elsian. It's just here, stupidity gets more run. We give it more ratings on the TV. We talk about it over the watercooler. We thrive on it.

I don't think the average American is any stupider than average. I just think the average American finds stupidity more compelling. This is an ego thing. Perhaps folks in other countries are just as stupid, but have stronger senses of self-esteem, and thus identifying and righteously condemning stupidity is a much less popular pastime than it is in the US.

In other countries, perhaps, the stupid are quietly pitied and/or ignored. In the States, they are drooled over, the last available scraps lying on a floor full of diseased filth, but the only thing left that can save the starving ego.

But chris, you were saying?
chris wrote:The stupidity of the average American continually astounds me.
Ah, yes.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 11:03 am
by Guest
chris wrote: And now the House of Representatives has passed CAFTA (by 2 fucking votes), so now what's left of American industry can be moved to a whole bunch of new Central American countries. More profits for big corporations, and more lost jobs for the average guy.
Welcome to the New World Order.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 11:06 am
by Worm
Anonymous wrote:
chris wrote: And now the House of Representatives has passed CAFTA (by 2 fucking votes), so now what's left of American industry can be moved to a whole bunch of new Central American countries. More profits for big corporations, and more lost jobs for the average guy.
Welcome to the New World Order.