Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:But with him out of "move me" range I wasn't sure how I was going to get the thing down and back up again without hiring movers.
Yeah, these things are a real pain. I can see the appeal of the "tabletop" MAME machines some people build, or the "candy" ones that you can convert from the little Japanese games. Were I living like you and planning on a MAME machine, I'd almost have to do a tabletop, and build a little box to house a 13" (or 19" if I wanted to go big) arcade monitor and a pair of arcade joysticks. And a PC. Or, just build a box with arcade controls, like the one I detailed building over on groucho. (And which my controls are still all in, I haven't gotten yet to the point of trying to set them up on the full-size MAME machines yet.)
Even with some recruitable help, it's still a bitch to move these things around. The two MAMEs were easy as they were nearly completely empty, and I could carry the monitors down separate. The Baby Pac, with its monitor plus pinball stuff, weighs a ton. I'm not sure when I'll get that down to the basement.
Whoa, he included the parts? Or it was $55/hour plus parts?
$55/hour plus parts. But most were cheap - the $13 battery and a used $25 flyback were the big-ticket items, the bulbs were 35c each, the sockets were 95c, there was a 65c diode, and an "MC 4050" was $1.45. In other words, most of the parts are pretty cheap.
It's disturbing to me how inept I am at these things when I can piece out a PC bit by bit. In my research I also learned that I do not have the official table art for the CC game, so that's gotta change. I have to find the correct art and get that printed. But that's a job for the future.
I wouldn't feel too bad. Keeping one of these running is a far cry from keeping a modern PC running.
If you're looking for art, check (I think that's the URL - arcade art museum or something like that), or check ebay - tons of arcade stuff goes through there. Or the usenet groups, which still seem pretty busy.*.
Yeah, it was working pretty well beforehand. The high score table went out pretty regularly, though. I should mention that. CC keeps the top three in memory, but those were getting flushed.
It probably just needs a new battery... probably about the same $13 battery that Baby Pac takes. Only 3 high scores? Mine saved EIGHT. I win!
I need to make sure my MAME cabinets have the hiscore.dat file there so that they can save as many high scores as possible. Gotta exert my dominance right off the bat, before any guests get ideas about beating me.
Let me see if it's still there, I'm pretty sure it is. I've also got some miscellaneous equipment, any of which is yours if you want it. Stuff like video cards, joysticks, etc. I tried unloading it on Craig's List but nobody wanted it. I'd be happy to give it to you, if you wanted any of it -- after all, you've been very generous with the Model M keyboards and so forth over the years.
Well, I try. Let me know what you've got. I have a fair amount of junky old stuff and some medium-age stuff, but I'm always on the lookout for things of certain eras. (Like SB Live cards, if anyone has any they'd like to donate to the cause. Those are great for Dukematching time.)
Fucking A. You should setup a torrent! Minus all the hard drive games. (Did you get the ROMs from a torrent yourself? I, for the life of me, can't find the latest batch on Usenet. I tried for a good half-hour on Monday.)
I used usenet to update my existing collection, which was 96-something, and which I had with me in CA (as I had MAME on my laptop and wanted to make sure I'd have any ROM I might feel the urge for while waiting in an airport.) There hasn't been a flood in a little while, but I'm sure one'll come along. NewsHosting is claiming that they're now building up to a 45-day retention (up from the current 20-something.) Incredible. Usenet is definitely the way to go for most anything you're after. For MAME, alt.binaries.emulators.mame. (Or is it .arcade.mame? One of those.)