Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:There's a lot to like about the above message, and a lot not to like as well. Inside the Poster's Studio investigates.
Which, mine? Or the one by the guy who's name has far too many middle names?
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I'm not talking about generating a profit.
Indeed. My poitn was that Resident Evil: Apocalypse is, by all traditional meanings of hte word, successful. And it is quite possibly one of hte worst movies to come out of Newline Cinema in... fuck, *forever*. The point being that pre-literate five-year-olds make better movies than Paul W. S. T. U. V. &. Me Anderson will ever make. Not only can I make this statement, but I iwll prove it, as now thse pre-litearte five-year-old children will get _The Movies_ and make their own in just a few years. Time will see me right on this.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:As long as people go on dates movies will make money, because what's playing is secondary to groping girls in a dark locale and/or texting people on brightly-lit cellphones, which is all "going to the movies" seems to be about these days.
So are oyu planning on cornering the market of people who actually get dates? I think you'll have to move out ofthe commic book and D&D genres for that, bro. Just a free tip. No no, don't thank me--no one ever does.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
Lysander wrote:And--hey, Robb! How's turning a profit on Necrotic Drift going? You know, the project that took three years to complete? DOn't worry though, his movie will take less time to complete; you do not "burn note" in... _The Movies_.
I don't know exactly what you're trying to say here, but I think your point is that some Resident Evil movie made money and an independently created text game did not, even though they both had a "zombie" character in them. Unfortunately, this is such a preposterously stupid thing to say that nobody in their right mind would dare do so.
Actaully, it was more a jabb at how long it took you to complete the project. Or, actually, how long it takes you to take to do anything. And rounding it off with a bash on Revenger, becasue really, when you hake a game like Revenger, how can I not make fun of it?
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:(I don't know the official name -- they are the thing you get when you do not get a jewel case for your disc, like you didn't get in Half-Life 2 or Obscure or Wizardry 8 or tons of other games. So "shitsleeve" is what I'm calling them. HL2 even put your license key on the shitsleeve.)
Do oyu man the plastic cases that take up almost no room on store shelves but break the game with hilariously little effort? My Marvel Superheros and X-Men VS. Street Fighter games came in those.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I've never programmed a maze in my life.
No, but I am.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:For someone who can't see you sure don't read so well.
Because Lysander is blind LOL!!!
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I never said that game programmers in general would make better movies than the stupid slobs who currently make movies. I said --==>>>I<<<==-- could make a better movie than 90% of them.
I know. I just decided to go on a DVD and Mila Jovavich rant. It's for the content!
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I don't get anything done when I have IM loaded, but for your sake and the fact that you are the only person who types something other than "Fart! Heheh" on this BBS I will.
Thanks! I'll wait for that, then.