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Does ICJ's Cellphone work?
Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 8:51 pm
by milker
I swear I have called that thing like 20 times in the last hour, I mean days and it never produces an actual responding voice on the other end.
I think he tells people he has a cellphone to fit in when he actually is a total dweeb and does not have a cellphone.
What a dweeb, like totally!
Answer that damn thing!
Thats it, No more using milks treo at work ever, EVER!!!!
Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 8:54 pm
by milker
No more I tell you, no more! We need a mutual agreement here. I let you use my cellphone and you actually answer yours. You know in, out, in, out, in, out.
Well blow me down
Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 9:13 pm
by milker
Hold on everybody, he does answer his cellphone. I laid my chances on the World Wide Internet in communication efforts and damn it came through in flying colors.
Damn I love the Internet and Cellphones.
That is it, the next stupid driver on the road with a phone to their ear I am going to be nice to. All thanks to you ICJ. You, your website, your cellphone, and your little dog tooooooo.
Follow the yellow brick road!
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 2:18 am
by Vitriola
ICJ works until 5pm. Milker works until 5pm, at the same company. Milker knows how long a drive it is through rush hour traffic. ICJ works 54 miles away from home. The cell phone stays in the home, mostly for me. At 5:15-5:45, about an hour before anyone gets home, it starts ringing. Guess who? I hit ignore on that fucking phone 2-7 times every, fucking, single, goddamn day. Because when nobody answers? That must mean we should call again. And again. And again. Knock it off, butthole.
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 5:02 am
by Worm
:( You don't have one you can turn off?
Well Honey, go out back and pump on the crank for power
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 9:04 pm
by milker
Over Christmas vacation, my good friend Robb Sherwin called me and said....
Milk.... I am thinking about getting a new cellphone. I was like great news! If there is anyone that needs to lose the brick cellphone they currently have, it is my good friend Robb Sherwin.
Turns out it was a complete hoax. He needed more information about the Blackberry we tested at work. Now I will give him this, he did this out of respect of not bothering about work stuff while drinking and smoking in Seattle on vacation.
So after all that, the moral of the story.....
Robb, damn, it wouldn't surprise me if that phone has an off button. To get a reception, I know you had to do the pringles can technique.
Don't you think its time Robb, Don't you think its time? Earth to Robb, Earth! The spice must flow!
I am never calling you again. I could have tickets to the Superbowl and I would skip you like a limp jump rope.
Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 11:37 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
That's the other thing. Where I live in Longmont there is a "cell phone dead zone." So imagine trying to hold a normal conversation with the insane person that started this thread AND THEN not being able to hear all the words.
It's hell.
Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 1:28 pm
by AArdvark
Hey! I think....wouldn't ....not if.........big monkey..........
Up a tree for all the world to see.......bug like a........
Anyway, tell me what you think........otters......
and a.......hermit of all sorts......
So get back to me and let me know, Ok Bye.