MAME is dead

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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MAME is dead

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

First, an article on why MAME 0.86 is the last I'll ever have.

Okay, a bunch of people who think blogging is cool commented on that, and I read some comments. Here's the dumbest thing I think I've ever seen on the Internet.
There are two simple points I’d like to make:

1) No one forces anyone to download the latest version of MAME. If someone is happy with the way MAME 0.30 plays Gauntlet, so be it. MAME 0.99 doesn’t force you to delete every other version of MAME that you have on your PC. This is especially true if you do not even care for the newer games emulated in the latest MAME.

2) The MAME source code is freely available. This means you can make whatever changes you like to play the games you want. And if you don’t have time to learn to code in C? Hire a programmer. And if you do not have any free time or extra money, then you should not be playing the games in the first place.

I’m not happy about every decision MAMEDev has made. But the amazing work these guys do (for free) is nothing to complain about.

Just my two cents…

Posted by: DerekK at August 21, 2005 9:48 pm
That's right, guys. If you want to be able to save high scores on games that don't have it, you should HIRE A C PROGRAMMER. Just his two cents! You should form a company and put out an on-line ad in Monster so you can see how well you did at emulated Xenophobe! Just his $0.02!!!

What a fucking retard.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

Jack Straw
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Post by Jack Straw »

Holy shit. What a great fucking site. BOOKMARKED
No idea MAME had turned into such a clusterfuck. I stopped paying attention after I had redownloaded the entire ROMset 4 times. FUCK THAT.

But, somehow I ended up reading the entire GT4 review. SPOT ON mate. Spot fuggin on.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Yes, I think the site is rather keen as well. Finally, someone who writes about new games and old games and writes just as well on both. Of course, I get the impression that in England they're not all that old, what with the technology / culture gap, but still.

I'm sorry. I've taken to open trolling in an attempt to drum up content. Nevermind.

I downloaded all MAME ROMs under 1.00 MB from DC++ last night, but I didn't see what rev they were. I think I am going to get 4.7GB of ROMs from around MAME .86, put it on a DVD and never get an update again. I'd just use that if I ever obtained a MAME cab, for instance.

Hey... speaking of which, does anyone know if it's still possible to grab Space Ace and Dragon's Lair "ROMs" from the web?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

Jack Straw
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Post by Jack Straw »

Somewhere I have Dragon's Lair. Not sure which faggy "version" it is.

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