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ebaum's world sucks

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 8:00 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey

Just trying to get more hits for the above site. Basically, a complete maggot named Eric Bauman, who lives in Rochester (Cheers, Rachacha crew!) has made thousands of dollars by stealing content from other people, putting it on his site, adding spyware and charging for ads.

He's one of the few people on the net who deserve to have real life interfere with their lives. And luckily, that's happening. Already people are giving him and his father (as far as I can tell he still lives at home) real abuse and they deserve every inch of it. Once again, I'm flabbergasted that he hasn't been dragged into court, simply because he formed a company to pull his horseshit.

I mean, I can't stand Flash, but even *I* think he's totally in the wrong.

The chat logs at the above site are hilarious. Bauman couldn't come off any worse if he tried. Simpering, mewling, pathetic... every once in a while he tries to flap his ego a bit but it just drives him further into the ground. The other guy, AltF4, has some great lines. Paraphrased, to Bauman:

"How are you going to help [a collaboration]? It doesn't involve stealing anything."

At any rate, here's hoping this goes some place and the little bitch gets fined and/or jail time for his rampant copyright infringement. He won't of course, but here's hoping.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 10:28 pm
by Knuckles the CLown
good for him, anyone that can make money in upstate New York I appluad. Anyone that can make money off of gay flash movies applause times 2. Who is getting hurt here?

Robb is there an issue in REALITY that outrages you. Or is just when people steal gay flashmovies for profit. It's not like he is.. stealing fucking video games. Downloading movies from the internet. Things you would never do :). Oh but you don't sell the games and movies you steal off the internet and probably wouldn't have bought them regardless so it's ok.

I'm confused really at the outrage. Is he taking money out of other people's pockets, or making money off of stupid people who make annoying flash movies and don't know how to make money off their own stuff? Or is it just the spyware that chaps your ass?

Perhaps we could engage in a adult conversation about this without the sentances that contain 45 adjectives like

mewling little -fill in obscure Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy creature-.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 12:05 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Knuckles the CLown wrote:Robb is there an issue in REALITY that outrages you.
No. Not really.

Or is just when people steal gay flashmovies for profit. It's not like he is.. stealing fucking video games. Downloading movies from the internet. Things you would never do :). Oh but you don't sell the games and movies you steal off the internet and probably wouldn't have bought them regardless so it's ok.
When you buy a new spindle of music CDs you're paying a piracy tax.

The music industry already settled one class action lawsuit for price fixing.

IF the industry in question has already behaved badly and IF they are getting a special royalty for the piracy that's going on you can be damn sure that I think it's perfectly okay to "steal" music. It's already been paid for.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 12:08 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Knuckles the CLown wrote:I'm confused really at the outrage. Is he taking money out of other people's pockets, or making money off of stupid people who make annoying flash movies and don't know how to make money off their own stuff? Or is it just the spyware that chaps your ass?
I have a problem with his opt-out mentality. You will think the same thing when you start putting together original content for your website.

The little kid currently goes to various Flash repositories, steals the Flash material, re-brands them (i.e., removes all credit to the original author and puts his stupid logo there instead) and then places them on his site where he gets a billion views.

If you want to have the stuff you created removed from his parasitic website you have to basically beg him and hope he acquieses. That is not how the law works.

Do you know how the law works, in this case?

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 1:46 am
by Lysander
I have a friend of mine on MSN who got his work shit on by ebaumsworld; I told him to sue, and he basically said that he was half-considering going back onto the site and riggign it just so that he could get that opportunity. Fuck that lame ass site with a pitchfork, and hurray for magnatune.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:46 am
by Knuckles the CLown
Lysander wrote:I have a friend of mine on MSN who got his work shit on by ebaumsworld; I told him to sue, and he basically said that he was half-considering going back onto the site and riggign it just so that he could get that opportunity.
that doesn't make any sense. please rephrase.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 9:05 am
by Worm
I don't like the queer drawing of Lowtax as a superhero, we all know he's a short jew. I don't like the implication that SA could launch and "underground" attack. We know that everyone on the Internet is on that site, but me.

However, everyone steals content. You go onto the latest site involved with Ebaum's ( and you see stolen content. Stolen phrases on bootleg t-shirts, websites that seem like maddox's simply because maddox represents such a horribly basic idea, and ideas that are so overused that no one knows they were stolen. That's not the problem. The problem is that someone made their lives easier.

You just don't do that. We're funny, we suffer, and we're poor. That's the problem, that someone decided to be a total scumbag before you. It's no big deal to him because he has money. Our society, what a drag.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 12:37 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
It's not that it was "before me." I have no desire to make money stealing from others like that.

What I find hilarious is that the kid really does think he is a mover and a shaker and that he offers important talents to "collaborate" with people on projects. That I find to be very precious.

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 3:02 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:If you want to have the stuff you created removed from his parasitic website you have to basically beg him and hope he acquieses. That is not how the law works.

Do you know how the law works, in this case?
The answer, Mike, is that you should be "opting in" and not "opting out."

But it hardly matters. Actually, you could probably pick up some easy money photographing dogshit on the guy's lawn, what with being so close to him. Something to consider! I'm not too proud to take a crap into a Glad Bag and shake that shit loose over at 1250 E-Baum Street.