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PSP emulation a success on version 2.50
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 7:25 pm
by milker
Great stuff here! I have been able to bath myself in some SNES Contra fun today! 512 memory chip loaded with the eboot file and this thing works great.
Now, does anyone know how to play isos?
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 7:50 pm
by Worm
I am currently attempting to snipe an auction for a PSP!
AK47 mutha sucka
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 7:59 pm
by milker
I hope you make Ebay your personal boxing bag. Make it happen. I thought you may be interested in my success story. Now for figuring out isos off the newsgroups and on to a 512 memory chip.
Sherwin plays Tecmo bowl on the 1.50 psp I sold him like every single time he shits.
My interest right now is also getting the Genesis emu working. I want me some Splatter House and Strider.
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 8:00 pm
by Worm
What am I missing out on if I don't update the firmware immediately?
Wait, there's a working PS emulator for this, or you can run PSP isos off a card?
Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 2:22 am
by Lysander
Worm wrote:I am currently attempting to snipe an auction for a PSP!
Die in ignominy, shitstain.
Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 5:36 am
by Worm
Lysander wrote:Worm wrote:I am currently attempting to snipe an auction for a PSP!
Die in ignominy, shitstain.
Yeah, probably in anonymity too. Your point is that I shouldn't snipe auctions with an automated tool, or that I shouldn't snipe them at all?
Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 1:34 pm
by Lysander
At all. I dont' really mind for a PSP because if there's any sane desire in teh world it's wanting to sell a PSP. Just don't do it on tehobscure shit is all.
Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 2:00 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Haha, what do you have against the PSP, Bond?
Don't get me wrong, the thing still doesn't have a good game for it (though Milker has had positive things to say about Burnout: Legends) and it's, what, a year old? But the 1.5 BIOS runs every NES, SNES and Genesis game out there.
Well, OK, there are certain games it doesn't run but still.
Couple that with the onboard battery that can be charged and I think it's the best handheld ever made, specifically against the wishes of Sony, who are fucking clueless.
Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 2:43 pm
by Worm
He was complaining under the false belief that I sniped a GP32 or GP2X. Because there are less available they should be allowed to be priced by the freemarket rather than hammersnipe. I think.
Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 2:58 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
But sniping IS the free market. You're still paying what you would ultimately pay. What you *can* pay. What it prevents is people trying to get an item for LESS.
"Oh hee hee! I won't put in my maximum!"
"I put in my maximum."
"Oh hee hee! I am going slightly beyond your maximum! One bid at a time."
"I just sniped the fuck out of you."
"Oh... hee ... hmmm."
Here's how I bid. Maybe I'm a jerk.
1) I put in a bid for the item. I put in an amount that would give me a great deal on it. I've also "staked my claim."
2) I see a bunch of losers bid the item up, eventually outbidding my "great deal" price.
3) If I still want it, I note the time and date that it's going to be finished. I then consider my absolute, no-doubt-about-it maximum price for the object and throw that in there with 2 seconds left. If my broadband fails then so be it. If someone gets in at 1 second then so be it. If someone just got stupid about the item's worth then so be it.
I'll tell you what I do hate -- stories of people making an offer outside of eBay and then seeing the item mysteriously come down. Lysander should be pissed at those kinds of people.
Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 9:43 pm
by Lysander
Now, see, if you're in a bidding war with someone who's jsut barely outbidding you out of spite, then, yes, stick it to that asshole.
What I have a problem with is when I actually think that I"m going to get this item at a good price because I've been on top for a good few hours or days or waht have you and its' somethign I really want and I've really gotten a good price and I'm jumping for joy in my pink tootoo and so on and so forth and then two seconds before the end some asshole enters and outbids me by two cents because he felt like being a penny-pinching asshole. If you're willing ot pay more for the item than me, great, go ahead and out-bid me. But don't wait until the closing bell just because you're afraid of not getting it, so instead you cheat. I'm perfectly willing to go into a bidding war with someone if it's an item I really want, I'll set my maximum and leave it there and if he ends up bidding over my maximum I'll bow out and leave it to him. That's how the system is supposed to work. How it's not supposed to work is shutting out the competition.
Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 10:24 pm
by Knuckles the CLown
oh boohoo. It's the fucking internet, whatever possible loophole there is to anything, it will be exploited. I've lived my life e-bay free ever since the first time I went to use it. I found out that baseball cards have to be sent out in the mail and "proffesionaly graded (fee involved)" to even be sold at a fair price.
There used to be this thing everyone went to. It was a called a goddamn store. I know it requires leaving the soft-glow but they have one price for objects and you can buy said objects without some jerkoff cutting you in line at the last second. I'll consider my audience and maybe excuse Lysander ebaying, because I'm sure it's quicker to get shit in the mail, then drive to Vancouver for the latest failout boy CD.
Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 12:20 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
The Rickey Jackson card I got was ungraded. $2.00, if I remember correctly. Graded it would have been worth at LEAST three!
Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 8:03 am
by Worm
Lysander wrote:Now, see, if you're in a bidding war with someone who's jsut barely outbidding you out of spite, then, yes, stick it to that asshole.
What I have a problem with is when I actually think that I"m going to get this item at a good price because I've been on top for a good few hours or days or waht have you and its' somethign I really want and I've really gotten a good price and I'm jumping for joy in my pink tootoo and so on and so forth and then two seconds before the end some asshole enters and outbids me by two cents because he felt like being a penny-pinching asshole. If you're willing ot pay more for the item than me, great, go ahead and out-bid me. But don't wait until the closing bell just because you're afraid of not getting it, so instead you cheat. I'm perfectly willing to go into a bidding war with someone if it's an item I really want, I'll set my maximum and leave it there and if he ends up bidding over my maximum I'll bow out and leave it to him. That's how the system is supposed to work. How it's not supposed to work is shutting out the competition.
Well. My sniping tool is free and has a ten second buffer. If you know how to script you could make one with much higher precision. If you can use ez macro you can probably top ten second precision. Or you could just get the upgraded pay-for sniping service and have a buffer time of three seconds. Also, the minimum amount you can bid is 1 unit of currency. That is annoying on a UK auction.
If the guy had a higher maximum I wouldn't have been able to outsnipe him without exceeding his maximum, that's why the code for maximums was implemented. The problem is that he was sniping too. Just manually. That's like playing MMORPGs manually. When you bid and the other person has a maximum, your bid is not even entered, there bid is simply adjusted to beat yours, and you're taken immediately to a "You have been outbid" screen, even though you haven't. The system does work. ignoring the nature of time in the equation is absurd.
Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 9:38 am
by Jethro Q. Walrustitty
Ebay sniping is for scumbags and the ignorant.
Much of the blame can be placed squarely at ebay's feet as they refuse to implement a simple anti-sniping rule, ie, an item has to go, say, 5-15 minutes after the final bid before it ends. No "real" live auction would allow sniping. "Going... going..." etc.
Using automated sniping programs is the lowest of the low. What's next, script kiddie? Gonna try to "p0wn" some web site?
Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 10:50 am
by Worm
Jethro Q. Walrustitty wrote:Ebay sniping is for scumbags and the ignorant.
Much of the blame can be placed squarely at ebay's feet as they refuse to implement a simple anti-sniping rule,
Hey, save some animosity for me!
ie, an item has to go, say, 5-15 minutes after the final bid before it ends. No "real" live auction would allow sniping. "Going... going..." etc.
Yeah, then things would just take forever to sell. Good thing you don't act on your ideas, or we'd have a mess of horrible shit on the Internet. complete with little signs in a VML environment.
If he had put a maximum on it all my horrible sniping would have been rendered useless. Gee, it's like someone with the job title "guy with good ideas" already implemented something. Though the guy didn't use that ... I WONDER WHY?
wormalann ( 3 ) US $207.50 Jan-28-06 18:59:42 PST
docray65 ( 5 ) US $205.00 Jan-28-06 18:53:51 PST
sturgisbikes ( 23Feedback score is 10 to 49) US $200.00 Jan-28-06 18:59:40 PST
docray65 ( 5 ) US $195.00 Jan-28-06 18:53:18 PST
Because he didn't want to pay 2.50 more. I was there, with my extra 2.50, welcome to the freemarket bitch.
Using automated sniping programs is the lowest of the low.
Ah! Here it is! It's just a website where you type in your ebay info. Before you scream 'ahglauhgagag scam', I've been on it for a year and haven't been charged a dime.
What's next, script kiddie? Gonna try to "p0wn" some web site?
What's next? If you had kids, I probably wish they would die!
I saved myself an entire 30 dollars with this ebay excursion! Want to know the moral of the story? DO NOT BUY POPULAR THINGS ON EBAY. It's for things only two people want, not for things 100 people want. I wanted that PSP, I sniped it, that's that.
Ebay is the lowest of the low. Bunch of people either scamming, selling stupid shit for rich people to waste money on, or being a total douche bag about shit they could have just got from a store. I didn't pervert Ebay, Ebay perverted me.
Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 12:33 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
What BIOS did your new PSP have installed, Worm? I can hook you up if you are on 1.5. HOOK YA UP. Although no real PSP game has ever entered my system, don't let that deter you or make you think I am a hipster. I'd prefer not to be!
I really need to start a thread on good NES games. Because I'm not finding a whole lot on my own.
Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 5:18 pm
by Worm
It got sent out today. I'm going home next weekend to get it and set up the RSS feeds for PBS and ogrish.
I'm reading some Cable & Deadpool, and they make it out like Reed Richards matters. Is he like the Earth's intergalatic ambassador?
Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 6:33 pm
by Roody_Yogurt
Nightshade is one of my favorite NES games. Also, Bionic Commando, Rygar, others.
Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 7:21 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Worm wrote:It got sent out today. I'm going home next weekend to get it and set up the RSS feeds for PBS and ogrish.
I'm reading some Cable & Deadpool, and they make it out like Reed Richards matters. Is he like the Earth's intergalatic ambassador?
Yeah, he's supposed to be the smartest guy in the solar system. Doctor Doom hates that about him. And he hates his burned-off face. So there's two things that really bug him. He bought an iron mask for the second and the first was depicted in that one Street Fighter movie that came out over the summer. Well, maybe it wasn't a Street Fighter movie but its final scene was of a street fight.