Didn't he, like, bite some dude's head off or something recently?
Speaking of stupd comics shit, I'm detecting a surprising lack of outrage at Infinite Crisis (or whatever that shit's called) from certain denizens of this forum.
I'm sort of vaguely aware of "Infinite Crisis," in that they were starting to promote it when I quit reading comics, and I've seen it passing by in Borders since -- so -- what's the deal and why the outrage?
I don't know what is going on over at DC. They brought the Justice League guys back for two runs and it was just awesome. Beautiful art, great characterization, fantastic story. The looking back and turning into a pillar of salt bit was the best moment in comics in a really long time, even when handicapped by the fact that you knew it was coming. It STILL worked.
So the brain trust over there kills Blue Beetle and burns his body and scatters the ashes and puts the death certificate in the comic as an insert and invites you to the funeral. It's obviously a ploy done to piss off the, what, 15,000 Blue Beetle fans out there?
Well, fuck them -- if that's what they wanted then that's what they got. Beetle was the single best character that company had and they felt the need to get rid of him? Ha ha, okay. I haven't picked up a DC book since then. To top it off, they are apparently now deciding to launch a wholly new Blue Beetle monthly comic. Comic books are on a real short leash with me. You make me feel like more of an idiot than I already do for supporting an industry that comes out to about $25 an hour for entertainment value and it doesn't take much before I'm out.
I'm sure the guys at DC would love a way to come to everyone's house and rip up the last two runs that Giffen and DeMatteis did, but I don't think they know just how loathe I am to answer the door. Fuck 'em.
(I am not sure about Spider-Man biting a guy's head off -- I mean, it happened, but I have no idea why, other than someone felt the need to add to Spider-Man's origin. They could have at least kept that crap in the Ultimate line.)