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Get you some spare Xbox mod parts
Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 8:23 pm
by milker
Ok, well got spanked by Ebay trying to sell a spider v1.1 mod chip and a Xecute Xapter solderless adapter.
Anyone interested in some spare mod parts?
I would say $30.00 takes it all.
for more info on modding, check out
I have been helping a friend mod his xbox and needless to say it went completely wrong.
It seems the damn chips have gotten worse in time. I have one of the original chips in my box and it was tons higher quality.
Oh well, help a brotha out here.
Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 8:27 pm
by Casual Observer
I'm very interested if you can wait a couple weeks for me to send the money.
Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 4:22 am
by AArdvark
Damn! that's just about what I was gonna say....
Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 7:29 am
by Casual Observer
Go ahead 'vark, you probably want it more than me.
Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 4:31 pm
by AArdvark
Thank you! Now I can be one step closer to finishing the record player xbox. It's really been sitting for too long unfinished. It still needs a replacement dvd reader but I know where I can grab a good for cheap.
Milker,email me an address and I will send out a check postehaste.
Soiled Panties
Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:00 pm
by milker
Well damn,
I am waiting to hear back from the friend I am helping here, but it appears he may have made the solderless adapter work on his 1.4 Xbox.
You see, he had a 1.6 and the damn solder would not remove nicely from the board and I think fried the darn thing.
I took one for the team and bought him a replacement Xbox and learned a very important lesson in the meantime.
(Don't volunteer to help people with anything related to soldering or computers)
So, I still did ok considering the broke Xbox went for over $50.00 today on Ebay.
Let me see what happens after my buddy installs the Slayer Evox and locks his hard drive.
I may or may not still have these items available for liquidation.
Thanks for the inquiries. Yet again I am impressed with the solid bunch on JC.
Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:05 pm
by Jack Straw
AArdvark wrote:Thank you! Now I can be one step closer to finishing the record player xbox. It's really been sitting for too long unfinished. It still needs a replacement dvd reader but I know where I can grab a good for cheap.
i've got 2, take your pick...
as a matter of fact, I have two modchips + 2 xboxes just chilling. there is less than no chance of me getting to it in the next 18 months (which is when i graduate)
so I'm not just gonna give the shit away, but eric, if you want a chip, take your pick for cheap.
vark, if you need a dvd, take your pick for cheap.
i'd rather be done with the whole mess... the plan was to throw the box of everything on ebay but.. from the above comments, that's not possible.
Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:48 pm
by Worm
Fuck, are those X-Boxes virgin? If I get one I'm going to just throw a hard drive into it, mod it (soft if possible), and throw whatever game doesn't seem like a piece of shit on it.
Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 1:15 am
by Jack Straw
you can't get any traction whatsoever. maybe side to side.
you have to go around back to even attempt to rock it.
Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 4:25 am
by AArdvark
What make of mod chips and dvd readers are we talking? I really don't want another Thompson reader cos they suck like monkeys. Any of the other two kinds would be allright. Please email me.