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Rolled the bitch over!

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2002 11:58 pm
by Ben
MAME, Asteroids (rev 1), high score:


At least, that's all it shows, you see. The proper number would be:


SUCK IT!!!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2002 10:43 am
by AArdvark
Is MAME worth downloading?
I got NEsticle and an Super Nintendo Emu.
I was wondering if the romz are easier to find than some of the other systems.

And what kind of side effects does it have on my system?

( Microsoft arcade is nice and mellow, like a mild laxitive on my machine while SNES is harsh and sometimes causes a lockup)


Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2002 4:26 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
MAME is worth getting, and it will play extremely nice with your system. There is a native Windows version of it and it's quite stable.

I'll get you setup with links and downloads and everything. I've got most of the ROMs, but unfortunately a ton of ROMs change from version to version. It's really the worst thing about MAME, because the ROMs themselves haven't changed in 20 years. But they find "better" versions, or rename them or whatnot. It's an incredible pain.

What games are you interested in, Vark? I can easily set you up with your top 20 or 30. I want to go get a router and setup a JC Direct Connect hub so that I can place all the MAME ROMs on there full-time, but I haven't gotten round to grabbing one (a router) just yet.

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2002 8:59 pm
by AArdvark
Well, I recently got a CD with every NES game made and It started me thinking.. Are ALL the video games ever made available? Theres this one game I saw ONCE in my life. Just once and I have never seen it again.

It was called High Climber. It's this guy climbing up the outside of a building. and things fall and you have to avoid them, other things going on too, but I digress...

I would like to get some of the crazy games they used to have at Putt Putt on Ridge Rd. back in the day. I know that will jog some memories. Let me download MAME first and try it out, then Ill start thinking up the titles I want.


Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2002 9:12 pm
by AArdvark
OK downloaded it. Is it s'posed to be command line oriented? Did I miss the frontend?


Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2002 12:15 am
by bruce
AArdvark wrote: It was called High Climber. It's this guy climbing up the outside of a building. and things fall and you have to avoid them, other things going on too, but I digress...
Dude, that's <i>Crazy Climber</i>.


Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2002 1:00 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
AArdvark wrote:OK downloaded it. Is it s'posed to be command line oriented? Did I miss the frontend?
Did you grab MAME32? That's the native Windows version and, if I remember right, has a built-in front end.

Looks like this page:

Might be the one you want to grab if you haven't already. I apologise for not having better info, but I'll return to this thread ASAP (things have been a bit busy at work, otherwise I'd set up the MAME primer sooner rather than later).

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2002 6:01 pm
by Ben
New Asteroids (rev 2) high score:


Or, as Asteroids itself puts it: "57,970".

I think I'm real close to "beating" the game... you know, getting to a point where I can just play forever if I wanted to. I felt like that for awhile during the above 157,970 game. Towards the end, I was playing a lot less carefully, almost HOPING a rock or a ship would put me out of my misery.

Kind of sad, for this to be happening. Once the game can't beat you, it's really not worth playing anymore. The greatest game in history.

Such a pity.