However, I may not talk about it publicly until after the competition.
If your game is in the competition, then you may not publicly discuss either it or any competitors' games during the judging period. If you need to correct a public misstatement of fact about your game, please contact the organizer, who will relay the message.
Unlike the fall IF Comp, though, players can talk about the games all they like. Have fun!
Da Rules wrote:Beta-testers ARE allowed to vote on the entries they beta-tested. (I'm making this change in the interests of increasing the number of votes on each game. Adam Cadre thought it was a good idea, and why not.)
I stand correcte.d So does this mean I get to ding the author extra hard if I find bugs in teh released version that i reported durring my betatest? ;-)
So does this mean I can not get pissed and I can not discuss those things I suggested that would make the game better and did not make the final version?
All I wanted was auto complete of commands, oh an one other thing.......
Just kidding ICJ. Look forward to the results.
The world is a big dairy and I am the man to milk it!
Ha, cool, two ADRIFT games so I only have to play half the games! I think Eric Meyer is the only person who might write an ADRIFT game that I'll give a chance anymore, and who knows if we'll see him writing one again.
Well, I already played one of the ADRIFT games (Mould). Despite some clunkiness it was mildly entertaining; I gave it a 7, although maybe that's a touch generous. (Also, Plague: Redux from the 2005 IF Comp was ADRIFT and really great, except for the stupid bugs that meant I couldn't finish it...)
So far, the Z-code game has been the most professional, which frankly is how I usually expect... I'm all about system-sniffiness, after all I've written my own (unreleased) system because as we all know you can never have too many different IF systems... but.
Pantomime, on the other hand, is why I signed up for this forum... there's no walkthrough! Gah! And I'm stuck. Possibly due to bugs, but I'm not sure. It looks like this is the right forum to ask questions, apologies if not.
Might be spoilers in the rest of this so anyone who hasn't played it and is intending to, skip from here on.
Basically I met Cinnamon in the diner and talked to her; I've also seen Chmod in the morgue and talked to him. He said he'd check out Kangaroo's office then leave me a message.
The current state seems to be:
* I can't figure a way past the fence (I know the access code but there is nowhere to type it).
* When I go to check for messages on my phone, either it's empty, or I get the message about Cinn being late to the diner. She then turns up again at said diner and I can have that conversation again, which is obviously a bug, but doesn't help me progress. I tried several different routes to the conversation.
* There is nobody in Kangaroo's office or the morgue (or anywhere else that I can find, save my room where Joe is asleep).
Any help? Am I missing something at the fence? Do I need to restart or what? (I am not feeling inclined to give the game a high score at present... ;)
I got stuck at the fence. Some hints: the fence is only there for decoration, and this is Phobos, not Earth. Some things are different on smaller celestial bodies.
Apart from that (and a minor glitch that had me stuck for a bit earlier) I'm liking the game, particularly the setting/concept is original. Wish it were a little more highly detailed, though - it may be unnecessary, but I like being able to examine everything :) That's true of all the games in this competition, though...