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Oblivion Mod Reviews!

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 8:54 pm
by Worm

Bonus reviewing from Debaser! Who was even unaware he was reviewing!
Fabulous! I'm here.
Debaser: Who the fuck names anything "Mr. Chips"?
Worm: The kind of people who put "Mr." in pet names?
Debaser: Point
My faithful companion is stuck to a certain floor board. No one knows why, it's a mystery.

Easily my favorite thing about this mod. It plays the old Daggerfall town music.

Woah! Treasure. Hmm, but I need a key.


It was a load bearing key!

Tune in tomorrow as I take you through the trials and tribulations of a mod that is supposed to make people's faces more natural! Does that mean they are going to be better rendered uglies, or just plain prettier? All I do know is that it seems to randomly silence NPCs, and that was a real drag when I didn't have the final story complete.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 9:35 pm
by Vitriola
Wtf is that hand doing in the music box scene. Sudden disembodied small hand. Chilling.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:10 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
That's the hand you select things with.

I would KILL to have the completed, exclusive content for my webpage, you two. I would KILL for it.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:18 pm
by Worm
It's the cursor! Sometimes it can be a crown, door, or even fangs! Maybe you should play this game.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:22 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Worm wrote:It's the cursor! Sometimes it can be a crown, door, or even fangs! Maybe you should play this game.
I didn't know it could be any of those things. Maybe I should play more of this game.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:29 pm
by Worm
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
Worm wrote:It's the cursor! Sometimes it can be a crown, door, or even fangs! Maybe you should play this game.
I didn't know it could be any of those things. Maybe I should play more of this game.
Jesus! Still haven't decided what to name your guy? I'd like to suggest 'James'.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:34 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
No, I went with "Illyana." I know that what you are probably saying is that, by definition, I must have encountered a cursor that was something other than a hand to even name my dude (avatar, woman, girl, whatever makes me seem less creepy) but I probably wasn't paying attention when it shifted.

This is also why I always get beat up by the Wonder Twins.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:36 pm
by Worm
I ignored those sluts and went around and got some fat magic gear. Make sure you install the body dragging mod so you can hook up some post-mortem lesbo action.

Re: Oblivion Mod Reviews!

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 12:14 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Worm wrote:Worm: The kind of people who put "Mr." in pet names?
Also, I enjoyed this part.

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 12:15 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I could also help out, but I am a bit wary about putting mods on my version of the game that may destroy the main quest.

On the other hand, I smell real star potential in "Mr. Chips."

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 11:59 am
by Worm
Well, you've got to be wary of the scope. For example, the mod that modifies ALL face textures seems to fuck up the voices for people in Cloudruler. This might be because they use specific textures which were created from imaging software. Even though this is the coolest thing, that you can make a 3d model from a photograph, it hasn't been implemented in an viable manner yet.

Something that adds a building obviously will add it in empty space. Weapons, and allies(which is probably the next I'm doing) are safe too.

"A review, so fast." The ladies swooned.

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 2:37 pm
by Worm
There's a reason this one may not have the solid time poured into it, which will be described in the rest of the post, so watch out for that kids. If you find it, circle it with red marker, and send in your monitor you could win a prize!
Okay. Before I go into the premise, remember, this guy's Australian they pay their hookers in puns, I swear.

In my opinion, Oblivion is one of the most complete games ever, featuring some truly amazing visuals, interactive large-scale quests, a vast world to explore, and multiple path options to take.
In fact, the only thing that I truly consider wrong with the game is how lonely it feels. From the outset, you really are the "one-man army," and even in the brief instances when you do side with an NPC for a quest or two you still know that you are in charge, and that in reality the NPC will be gone in a quest or two (Amusai).
I also don't like that you put down the characters with personality in favor of units from a RTS game.
My favourite RPG (and indeed, favourite game) of all time is Baldurs Gate 2, and for one simple reason: Depth of character. In BG2:SoA you are the hero, you are a demigod, yet despite this you depend on your companions, and serve as a teacher, friend and even father-figure to those in your party. They talk to each other, they get mixed up in past affairs, they go crazy and turn evil (at your manipulative advice) and some of them even share romances with you. In truth, the storytelling is what makes BG2:SoA unique.

With this in mind, I set about to make Oblivion the perfect game (in my opinion), by adding an NPC companion (only one at this point in time) who is more than just a henchman. He has a history (which his quest revolves around), he has questions for you -mostly along the lines of moral, philosophical and theraputical-, he has flaws and can be a nuisence, yet he is still a loyal companion. He will respond to the things you say to him, and they in turn will shape his persona and eventually his status as a companion class. He is FLAWED, and that is what makes him a true character, and a story-driven companion.

When I began working on this, I knew what I wanted. I wanted to create an NPC companion with the depth and individuality of Solaufein in Westly Weimers SolaRomance mod for BG2:SoA ( I wanted an NPC who players could genuinely like, and I wanted one who did not need you to make his choices for him, but rather simply asked for the players advice. To some extent, the player was to be his conscience, providing moral suggestions without giving specific commands. Westly Weimer captures this perfectly in Solaufein, and used poetry, philosophical references and parabols to develop the character into a companion that you genuinely feel for. He is UNIQUE, and DEEP, and will not be forgotten in my gaming history.

Thus we have Ruined Tail (or Ruin for short.) (I call him broke in my head -W.) Somewhat typically he has a dark past that he is tormented by, yet rather than come out and speak to the player directly he will ask subtle questions that tie together to form a coherant background. Your choices will make or break him (eventually) and whether or not you want to play a valiant Crusader, or a manipulative acolyte, Ruin will be YOUR companion, and no one elses.

The Demon that we fail to see is the Demon that lurks inside.
oooh demons!

This is really what attracted me to this companion over Juggs the Nord. Anyone who played through BG2 probably knows about the Soulafein mod, while many of us might have ignored it, it was a pretty good one. It featured romances for both sexes with the angsty little dark elf (which would be awesomer with an Argonian). These are the kind of Companions the game needs.

We're just going to explore some of the basic dialogue for a few reasons.

I don't want to spoil it for myself by playing too much into it before it's done.
1) Added the next installment of Ruin's Tale, which essentially continues from where it left off. HOWEVER, previous players of this MOD will be unable to continue their existing saved games in which the Ruined-Tail's Tale MOD has already been completed. To get the full experience of the MOD you will need to install the updated version and start again. Alternatively you can skip to the second part of the quest using the instructions outlined at the bottom of this README.
This would be a real fucking drag.

*Progressive Story - I'm still not done yet. Ruin's tail (pun intended) still has a long way to go and as I get more time to continue crafting his story, I will release further updates.
You can almost hear him getting blowjob for the pun.
*Voice Acting - Okay, I'm Australian, so an Argonian with an Australian accent probably wouldn't sound particularly realistic.
I think it would be awesome.
To counter this, Agro has offered his considerable voice talents to the game and is working long and hard hours (in amongst studying) to add a more lifelike essence to Ruined-Tail.
Hopefully Agro is the guy who voiced the Bauman e-mails in that YTMND! If not, we should seek him down, and that fellow who did the retarded voice for the peta(people eating tasy animals) e-mail for an Oblivion Mod.

I'd like for the thing to be voiced and completed before I start playing it.

Now that we're all clear, let's dive in!

"It goes ... "
"... sexy."
How often do you want this kind of reply in real life? I'd like one all the time, if it was followed by an offer to create a party and go adventuring I'd be ellated.

Hey! He started talking to me.

The mod seems to be about choices. Which is good. You really come off more insane with no sense of property rights than really vindictive and evil in TES games. I appreciate the Torment/BGII inspired mind fuck options.
These are the options you get when Sunshine asks why you're not bothered by the arua of death that follows him. It's really because my spot skill blows, but whatever.

Let's fast forward a bit. Lovely to have you. Want a Grand Ring of Destruction?

Ah! Broke practices a odd form of naturalism where he strips and let's himself "air out" before putting on new equipment. Try to be progressive, you've probably got a femur in your inventory.

"Wanna go to Anvil to suit up?" "Sure Thing Boss." (I wish someone would just import Vic into Oblivion)

My house in Anvil is a short lesson in MOD SAFETY. I downloaded an early "lights out" type mod.
Personally, I like the huge Chandlier.


Broke and my Horse dispatch a bandit in the dead of night.
That flaming sword is from the Visually Enchanted mod. I posted this specific version because I think his V2, V3 electricity and V1 frost are horrible looking so this lets you tool about with them.

His quest is obviously advanced much like in Torment. Which I'm looking forward to when (and if) the mod becomes complete.

Why can't we just be open with one another?

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 9:56 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Excellent work. For real. If you keep doing these, I'll do a roundup at the end.

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 3:36 pm
by Worm
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Excellent work. For real. If you keep doing these, I'll do a roundup at the end.
Yeah, I don't know if I'm going to manage one each day. But each every other day easily. I've got some mod suggestions for you.
I mean, what's the point if you can't virtually demean your character, right?

It was all a ruse!

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 5:41 pm
by Worm

There's a mod that adds some vendors with high level armor to the store. I suggest the Blackmarket mod instead. It adds all kinds of armor best and garbage alike. Trust me, when you have a totally awesome character you'll realize how good he looks in a certain old shitty armor, and you won't know where to find it. Also, it can provide you with daedric gauntlets which the same fucker who hid the left daedric pauldron in Morrowind got to.

This mod adds a new shop with some mannequins and special suits of armor for them.

So, I was heading to the shop and ...
It seems "reads trashy novels" retired mage has gone insane! You are special in the TES series in being insane from the beginning.

I arm myself with my funny funny I am so funny bow and begin the chase!

Beaten to molesting the corpse.

Wow! How exciting. Let's head to the shop!
A little sparse, but who cares?

"Sooooooooo, what does jiggy mean anyway?"

This is exactly why you don't need to blow cash or waste armor. They've got special little suits for each of the dolls.

"uhhh peace out?"

Whew! Barely got out of that one. But I've got my dolls and I head home.

Touching. <3
... well, what would you do?

They're pretty great. I thought they were fully articulable and was planning on remaking this scene.

No such luck! Still, it's neat to have suits of armor as they brighten up any house. Even if you can't do specific creppy puppet stuff. Somewhere during the picture taking I used and noticed no real difference in that area. But it helps plenty.

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 1:23 pm
by Worm
ICJ: You have to FIND this shit?
ICJ: "Here is a quest to look like an asshole."
ICJ: "Will you take it? (y/n)"
Worm: >y
ICJ: I will now proceed to waste your time while you try to get what you installed the mod for.

Jesus fucking christ. He was totally right. There's a stupid book, and a dumb sealed door, and I'm stuck. I'm not even posting pictures for this piece of fucking shit. The guy provides no context at all. Just an empty house for you search, great job. Hate to have things handed to me on a platter. The only problem is that the platter doesn't exist, the things don't exist, there's nothing. Worst fucking mod ever. Tune in after the weekend to see if I can even recover.

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 5:02 pm
by Worm
Okay, seriously. I'm not gonna pull a Sherwin here.

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 7:07 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Does that mean more content? Because this is your best work.

What does "pull a Sherwin" mean?

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 9:55 pm
by Worm
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Does that mean more content? Because this is your best work.

What does "pull a Sherwin" mean?
Let real life get in the way of posting, I guess?

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 10:18 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Worm wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Does that mean more content? Because this is your best work.

What does "pull a Sherwin" mean?
Let real life get in the way of posting, I guess?
That was diplomatically put!