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Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 7:15 pm
by Johnny
I was wondering, if it's possible (probably is), can Jonsey or AArdvark change my username to Johnny. That would be... good? I don't want to sign up again with a different email, and I want the five posts I've made to be associated with the same username.
Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 7:53 pm
by AArdvark
IT'S A sATURDAY NIGHT and the varkster is just in from the fire pit after a couple three drinks and there's no way your name is gonn change right now.
how about saphead Shoehorn? thats a good name..
Call ya Shoes for short.
I fell that everyone thinks I'm a high functioning alcoholic. Not true. It's not even really binging. Just loosenign up on Saturday nights.
let me do my Finster impression....
Im a fat slob and a librarian. you are all suck heads.
Libertarian, i mean