Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 3:02 am
In this subject you'll find the specific reason for my inactivity everywhere. I gave the PVP servers on EQ 2 a roll and just now have fell in deep with WoW.
EQ was a really cumbersome game, you'd only be able to revive at your bind point, you had to run naked back to your corpse. This made the original team PVP neat because kamikaze attacks on enemy cities were really not an option. EQ 2 has the same PVP system supplanted on it. The PVP range (level range in which you can PVP) raises with the tiers of the zones starting at 8, raising by two, up until the cap is removed at tier 6. However in EQ 2 you can spawn right in the zone where you died. Therefore, you can just respawn and run right after that maggot who killed you, with relatively no penalty whatsoever. Regardless of the level range there are no restrictions on a huge group of people attacking a single player, which sort of voids the entire idea of a level range. Beyond all that the zones were made to be used by both sides so you are costatly thrust into combat.
Why not mention the normal game? Well, it's just a MMORPG, some solo, some lore, and some raiding. The non-pvp aspects of most MMORPGs are very similar, and similarly boring.
WoW is much nicer there's no level range, but there is a huge continent and the gameplay is not designed around the sides overlapping.
Shadowbane is ugly.
So, that's my vacation one Ogre 32 Shadowknight on Nagafen and one Troll 14 Rogue on Altar of Storms. I guess if ICJ wants to pitch Eve he can do that here.
EQ was a really cumbersome game, you'd only be able to revive at your bind point, you had to run naked back to your corpse. This made the original team PVP neat because kamikaze attacks on enemy cities were really not an option. EQ 2 has the same PVP system supplanted on it. The PVP range (level range in which you can PVP) raises with the tiers of the zones starting at 8, raising by two, up until the cap is removed at tier 6. However in EQ 2 you can spawn right in the zone where you died. Therefore, you can just respawn and run right after that maggot who killed you, with relatively no penalty whatsoever. Regardless of the level range there are no restrictions on a huge group of people attacking a single player, which sort of voids the entire idea of a level range. Beyond all that the zones were made to be used by both sides so you are costatly thrust into combat.
Why not mention the normal game? Well, it's just a MMORPG, some solo, some lore, and some raiding. The non-pvp aspects of most MMORPGs are very similar, and similarly boring.
WoW is much nicer there's no level range, but there is a huge continent and the gameplay is not designed around the sides overlapping.
Shadowbane is ugly.
So, that's my vacation one Ogre 32 Shadowknight on Nagafen and one Troll 14 Rogue on Altar of Storms. I guess if ICJ wants to pitch Eve he can do that here.