Piracy, Cubed - groucho repost

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Jack Straw
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Piracy, Cubed - groucho repost

Post by Jack Straw »

Next up on the chopping block: the KiddieCube!
I've been meaning to do this for awhile, and was inspired by the relative ease of the 360 firmware hack. While browsing around the dark seedy expanses of internet modchip vendors, I happened across a very cheap ($15!) chip from the Duo team of PS1/2 fame. It isn't so much a modchip as a live DVD firmware replacement, very similar to the method used to comprimise the 360. Add to that the very high quality offerings of late in the arena of case shell replacements to allow use of full size DVD's, and we're off and running.

I forgot to take a before pic, but here's one from when we first got the little bastard for reference:

First things first, order yo shit. Gamecubes (and all systems dating back to the 8 bit NES) use propietary screws on the case to keep mouthbreathers like me out of the yummy insides. It's called a GameBit and while you can melt down the end of BIC pens and maybe coax the screws out, that method is definitely ghetto fabulous. I plunked down the $6.99 for just the bit, was too cheap to get a full screwdriver for 2 bucks more. Almost thought they forgot it too - they just threw it in the box amongst the peanuts. Here she is:


All that for only 4 screws. Ah well, it would have been 8 pens wasted, 4 to open and 4 to close it back up.. and that's if all went according to plan. Here you can see the top shell and back plate removed. I also already removed the top jewel - the case came with a "Viper" jewel and a "NYE 2006" jewel that looked like someone ate a box of Crayola crayons and puked all over the top of the cube. So, I just used the stock jewel. Boring, maybe? I think it looks boss with the regular old nintendo logo.


Here's the unmolested guts of said Cube. Nintendo sure knows how to make a system, I'll tell you what. This is no XBox1... hardly a few inches of wasted space inside.


Clockwise from the top: Gamebit, the chip in question, an old nasty soldering iron tip that refused to work without being swapped for a shiny new one, a quarter for size reference, a roll of 30ga wire used for the chip connections, and the optional LED board with monstorous looking black cables for the LED signals/power. I almost put this off til tomorrow because all I could find was that huge cable and was wrestling with trying to get it to stick - finally I tore apart the closet and found that tiny wire.


After mucking around with the thick black cable for a while, I got frustrated and decided to start moving everything over into the blue case. This is the ground shields and the little tiny power supply with high quality Nidec fan. I didn't ride the lightning this time! Eh, I've been JOLTed enough times in my life. The little black board you see on the back is an interface board if you had a Viper chip - there's a USB port and some other port so you could interface with the chip directly. Cool stuff, but case+chip+gamebit ran me about the same as one viper chip, so there you go.


Here's with the mainboard installed; nice big beefy heatsink.


After taking a breather from soldering the megacables and taking a quick slug of scotch for good luck, it was time for the fun part (yeah right). At least it was only 6 wires. Didn't mess anything up and of course tested the work with a multimeter. (should also mention here a digital multimeter is required to adjust the pot - not that kind of pot - it's supposed to read between 170-200 ohms. Some of them come set at 600 or more from the factory. For some reason, mine was @ 190 so I didn't even bother to adjust it. Now's the time to check it, at least though.)


Here's a closeup of the chip installed, I don't know why I'm submitting a sample of my soldering work to the scrutiny of the entire internet but here goes:


Attach the 3 bastard led cables, affix the chip, and take a pretty picture. Both chip and led board had double sided tape on the back. A nice touch especially considering my $50+ xbox chip didn't come with it and we had to use hot glue.


Speaking of hot glue, what a wonderful substance. A little dab here and a little dab there to make sure nothing's putting pressure on your new solder points, and a coating of electrical tape - Don't leave home without it!


Now, just reverse disassembly and you've got yourself a sexy hacked cube! Mine is missing 2 screws - doh. Think it'll live. Notice the extra space around the gamecube disc, just enough space for a full size dvd!


A nice collage of pics showing the way the LED looks while it's booting (the dim pics are actually orange before it starts working its magic)


My beautiful 5 year old daughter Noel was my little helper through some of this process, so she was just as excited as me to play Luigi's mansion. Now we just have to get the other bongo games.
As you can see, she likes playing bongos ;)


Post by Draal »

Have you considered pirating every single game from the PDP-16 to the Dreamcast in ROM format and setting up a decent PC to TV setup?

Creating a 50,000 rom PC dedicated to console gaming is logicaly a good way to put the hassle aside though.

Jack Straw
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Post by Jack Straw »

not really. I would probably do a MAME cab first but that's not likely to happen either.

I was a PC gamer for years and nowadays.. I just don't like them. PC's might have the edge in graphics, but you must go through a constant upgrade cycle and I honestly can't stand gaming with a keyboard and mouse.
Ever since the dreamcast, I've been hooked. I mean, I had a genesis and NES and all that jazz, but what really grabbed me was being able to burn games and just pop em in the dreamcast. That, and the way Soul Calibur looked amazing no matter how big a TV you put it on.

Even if you had a custom plug to a PC for each and every system's controllers, it just ain't the same navigating through menus and changing configuration settings.. that's why I like consoles. You throw in the game, it works, it's fun.


Post by Draal »

"Toss and Go" aspect is neato; keeping an entire collection of NES games on hand isn't (to be fair, the only NES game I play is Qix).

I'm "seriously considering" doing this set up as the Wii is set to scrounge a few more dollars from me for every game from my childhood (plus the subscription plan they are insituting akin to crappy cell phone games is... Dreadful).

You arn't tempted by the prospect of having 50,000 console games at your finger tips?

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

All right, got a chance to make this an article. It's available through the front page.

ADVERTISING UPDATE: I have heard many stories of Google cancelling people's accounts because they were earning too much money through AdSense. Haha, what the fuck? I thought Google was supposed to finally end all the horseshit that people went through by serving ads.

The thought of defacing the articles and front page and then not getting paid is a little too much to bear. I am going to do more research, and by that I mean that I am going to see if I can remember to read some anecdotal evidence over the next few months. If the source of the complaints are from whiners and complainers then I may go ahead. If the website can be self-sufficient then great. I think JC costs me about $120 a year to run. But I'm not about to bother with that if Google is going to pull the plug because things got a little too popular.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!


Post by Draal »

Sell advertising to the IF community?

Cut the losses and exclude yourself from the Google search engine?

Tone down on the graphics?

Besides us, who will actually see these ads?

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Draal wrote:Sell advertising to the IF community?

Cut the losses and exclude yourself from the Google search engine?

Tone down on the graphics?

Besides us, who will actually see these ads?
Well, the theory would be that Straw's informative pages would get Googlers over here and seeing the ads. Google seems to crawl JC pretty quickly.

But yeah, basically you guys. And depending on how many times you visit, Draal, YOU may be the chief viewer.

So perhaps I should just be asking you.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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