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Prey for me my brother, Prey!
Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 10:06 pm
by milker
Ok, my lord is this Prey game unreal or what. I give it two hands together on my knees with jesus pizza thumbs up.
Just started getting into this tonight and must say any game that starts with the ability to knock back some gambling, select some tunes and then knock the shit out of dudes is cool. Within 2 minutes of playing this game, I was having flash backs of Eddie Murphy Raw. Cussing is cool!
SHITTTTT! This game is good. Maybe I am over doing it here, but the way the character can walk up the walls and completely end up in new environments is right on cool!
Being the blood and guts type dude, I am glad that red seems to be a primary color in this slaughter fest. If I could I would barbeque this game and eat it up yum yum!
ICJ - A MUST PLAY! Be ready for a conversation with the dude in the next cubicle over on this one. You just may shit your pants on this one!
I heart this game!
Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 10:13 pm
by milker
Anyone else liking this game or am I off my rocker here?
I mean yeah, I am softy for a good shooter, but my gosh this is good.
Maybe it is just me freaking out as I to finally have the ability to run decent games on this XPS laptop. You see those damn Intel chipsets 910 or whatever just plain suck!
I was lucky to get any game to run on that damn laptop with the 910.
Anyway, any one else in awww?
Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 1:24 pm
by Worm
How's the multiplayer run for you? It was horrible for me, so I'm lax in picking the game up.
Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 3:34 pm
by pinback
Heard the game sucked.
Have not seen the suck yet
Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 9:10 pm
by milker
So far, I have enjoyed the game, but again, it has been a while since I have sat down and played a PC game. I guess the feel of banging the keys brings back high school memories. You know, she pumped, I banged!
If I see the suck, I will report all the dripping details here.
As for the multi player pump action, I have not yet tried it.
I shall soon. I think the environments with the gravity twist could be really interesting! I mean it would be like putting mirrors on the ceiling in your room. You will get to see it all man, it all!
Well 4 finger you all later.
Wow, I just pulled out my best Flint lingo on that one!
Enjoy your freedom of speech while it last :)
Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 1:14 am
by Jack Straw
Aw, hell yeah.
Just what the Dr. ordered. So many games suck ass and it's refreshing to get something decent.
Many many great things here, but I don't want to ruin anything. OK, watching the rooms come together later is really sweet. Nice surprise at the very end.
Bad things: it's too friggin easy. I restarted it once because I thought it was on easy but nope, one difficulty. There's like no incentive to do good or avoid any enemy fire because of the way it handles "dying"... but it was nice to breeze through it and not have to redo anything.
the kids are annoying.
too short - beat it in 2 sessions of 4-6 hours apiece. had to play it at night because of too many "fucks" during the day when the 5 year old was awake.
the thing looks SICK on 360; I can't imagine how immaculate it is on a PC with a decent video card.
TRY IT. you'll like it. lots of punan.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 9:31 pm
by milker
Man that picture looks familiar, I just can't seem to put my finger on it, (in it) to remember where I have seen something like that before.
It looks like it needs ointment and a scrub brush.
That is some majora action there. I am glad you went majora instead of manora.
You have get your labias right.
Glad to hear someone else has went down on this game and wanted to keep cummin back for more.
Penthouse here I come!
Re: V
Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 7:48 am
by Jack Straw
milker wrote:Man that picture looks familiar, I just can't seem to put my finger on it
"your mom"
Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 3:59 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
That's fucking disgusting. I was warned to not go into this thread at work because of that picture. I should have picked up two more jobs to ensure that I NEVER SEE THAT.
Strange it didn't make it to the box! That's a weird one. "COME FIGHT THIS RUNNY BEAVER!" **** 1/2 - CGW!!! HTH! HAND!