Are comic books readers really this SQUEAKY CLEAN?
Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2002 1:14 am
Grabbin' the whisker biscuit.
Poopie trim.
You know friends, if I were at the helm of my very own Marvel comic, I would have just turned away nearly half of my entire readership. Its true! Through conversations with several regular Marvel readers both in person and online, I have gleaned the following: comic book readers abhor potty-mouths. Filthy dialogue, drug references, implications of rape and references to big, luscious titties, all of it is strongly disapproved of by the average reader. Fuck!
"Make Mine Marvel -- and squeaky clean please!"
Recently, there has been a tremendous amount of upheaval and distraught in the Marvel community, particularly with the Fantastic Four readers. Thus far, they're highly appalled at the startling appearance of strikingly crass and base dialogue within the comic's (at least in their opinion) wholesome, hug-able, family-oriented pages. Here's just a few of the comments being debated:
1. Use of the word "frigging."
2. The phrase "drain the lizard." (Issue #60)
3. And a slight sexual innuendo between Sue and Richard Reeds (Issue #62) where Mr. Fantastic mentions, "I'm told she likes the way I stretch my... imagination."
That's it, folks! Geez, how uptight can these people be? My daily speech is peppered with foul language, so maybe I'm not the best judge of such matters, but I simply cannot fathom how these few comments could "poison" Marvel's more youthful readers. As with most topics, I was fully ready to hear both sides of the argument. However, the opposition to Marvel's seemingly Puritanical readership is nearly nonexistent. Perhaps they're too busy letting those foul expletives fly or just draining their lizards. Am I standing alone on this? Seems so.
Many readers are attacking the current writers over this issue, accusing them of lacking the talent and creativity to write and illustrate comics that are both "sophisticated" in their story and accessible to all ages. There are those that perceive the use of the single word "frigging" has turned comics into an "incestuous industry." Personally, I feel the whole controversy is all rooted in the mistaken notion that comics are for children, and that a fully diversified product line is not useful for luring kids into the market. It is a mistaken idea that "one size fits all", as well as hanging hysterically onto an idea that has not worked in the marketplace for ages. Sure, squeaky clean superhero comics worked during the period from the forties to the seventies, but times have drastically changed! The kid readers just aren't there. Shit, Marvel has even stated they are not making comics for children.
Motherfuck, isn't it the job of the parent to teach them what is and is not acceptable language? Instead of trying to control the world around you, why not simply try to be more effective with the only element you have any measure of control over, your child? Some will argue they simply wish to remove and keep dirty words out of the hands of their children. Ah, but their goal shouldn't be to keep dirty words out of the hands of all kids, but out of the hands of their kids. That determination is not theirs to make for other parents. These parents have the option to not allow the comic to be brought into their home. There's absolutely no need whatsoever to tell another person what they can and can't write about or what language they can use. However, its within everyone's right to be able to tell Marvel what the content of their comics should be, but after you tell Marvel what you think the contents of their comics should be, Marvel has the perfect right to tell you to go straight to hell.
Kids rejected comic books in the 90s. They didn't want anything to do with them, even when they were 'all-ages'. Let's face it, it isn't the kids who are having problems with these comics, it's parents with rigid morals who I hope are in the vast minority. The occasional sex innuendo, dick n' fart joke, violence, drug reference or flopping titty comment are perfectly fine by me. I'm curious to know how the rest of you readers feel about mature dialogue in comics, so do chime in if you have a moment.
Poopie trim.
You know friends, if I were at the helm of my very own Marvel comic, I would have just turned away nearly half of my entire readership. Its true! Through conversations with several regular Marvel readers both in person and online, I have gleaned the following: comic book readers abhor potty-mouths. Filthy dialogue, drug references, implications of rape and references to big, luscious titties, all of it is strongly disapproved of by the average reader. Fuck!
"Make Mine Marvel -- and squeaky clean please!"
Recently, there has been a tremendous amount of upheaval and distraught in the Marvel community, particularly with the Fantastic Four readers. Thus far, they're highly appalled at the startling appearance of strikingly crass and base dialogue within the comic's (at least in their opinion) wholesome, hug-able, family-oriented pages. Here's just a few of the comments being debated:
1. Use of the word "frigging."
2. The phrase "drain the lizard." (Issue #60)
3. And a slight sexual innuendo between Sue and Richard Reeds (Issue #62) where Mr. Fantastic mentions, "I'm told she likes the way I stretch my... imagination."
That's it, folks! Geez, how uptight can these people be? My daily speech is peppered with foul language, so maybe I'm not the best judge of such matters, but I simply cannot fathom how these few comments could "poison" Marvel's more youthful readers. As with most topics, I was fully ready to hear both sides of the argument. However, the opposition to Marvel's seemingly Puritanical readership is nearly nonexistent. Perhaps they're too busy letting those foul expletives fly or just draining their lizards. Am I standing alone on this? Seems so.
Many readers are attacking the current writers over this issue, accusing them of lacking the talent and creativity to write and illustrate comics that are both "sophisticated" in their story and accessible to all ages. There are those that perceive the use of the single word "frigging" has turned comics into an "incestuous industry." Personally, I feel the whole controversy is all rooted in the mistaken notion that comics are for children, and that a fully diversified product line is not useful for luring kids into the market. It is a mistaken idea that "one size fits all", as well as hanging hysterically onto an idea that has not worked in the marketplace for ages. Sure, squeaky clean superhero comics worked during the period from the forties to the seventies, but times have drastically changed! The kid readers just aren't there. Shit, Marvel has even stated they are not making comics for children.
Motherfuck, isn't it the job of the parent to teach them what is and is not acceptable language? Instead of trying to control the world around you, why not simply try to be more effective with the only element you have any measure of control over, your child? Some will argue they simply wish to remove and keep dirty words out of the hands of their children. Ah, but their goal shouldn't be to keep dirty words out of the hands of all kids, but out of the hands of their kids. That determination is not theirs to make for other parents. These parents have the option to not allow the comic to be brought into their home. There's absolutely no need whatsoever to tell another person what they can and can't write about or what language they can use. However, its within everyone's right to be able to tell Marvel what the content of their comics should be, but after you tell Marvel what you think the contents of their comics should be, Marvel has the perfect right to tell you to go straight to hell.
Kids rejected comic books in the 90s. They didn't want anything to do with them, even when they were 'all-ages'. Let's face it, it isn't the kids who are having problems with these comics, it's parents with rigid morals who I hope are in the vast minority. The occasional sex innuendo, dick n' fart joke, violence, drug reference or flopping titty comment are perfectly fine by me. I'm curious to know how the rest of you readers feel about mature dialogue in comics, so do chime in if you have a moment.