Symantec to Tech Industry: "Dude come on, this job's ha
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 11:08 am
("Mistake! There was an attempt of an automatic insert of the message in a forum. Your message is sent to hell. Try still times who knows - can it will turn
out? Still probably, that you too long wrote the message - then pass to page back, copy the text, update page, insert the copied text and press button
"Send". " FUCK. YOU.) ... ag=nl.e103
Includes such comedy gold moments as saying that the NIS issue that *blocked the internet completely* has been "live updated" and that users should use it to fix their problem. You're all intelligent people and everyone else over there already brought up the obvious so there's no need to do it here, I'm just amused that they're trying to make "live update" a verb. "Hey Marve, how was the live update last night?" "I'd better go live update this product, maaan!" And then Symantec will charge you a quarter every time and complain so loudly because however did it get into the vanacular it's not our faaault! As if that's ever going to even happen. Like they're Google, or something.
Seriously--so fuck Symantec. Every program of theirs is the worst program you can ever put on a PC that hasn't been actively engineered to break it. Not that McAfee or Bit Defender get off any better--THey might as well fucking murge because it's the same product. Okay, Bit Defender has a different UI, whoopty, it also hopelessly cripples your system with incomplete uninstalls if hte wrong kind of spyware gets found. I like how listen BD as the greatest antivirus evarr, and then said that "all of the five viruses we tried were detected--the performance of all of these programs was the same." Fucking ass right it is. The state of the AV market is pathetic, and the existence of Nod32 is a testament to the fact that there is no damn excuse for that, whatsoever. Nod32 should have Trend Micro shitting themselves in terror--we all know that the only reason they exist is that "We're not Symantec or Mcafee." Of course, firewalls are little better--and that's another huge black eye that they're just completely ignoring. "Holy shit, this free little firewall is totally kicking our ass! What do we do? Make a better product to compete? no, let's jsut buy them out and then take the product off the market!" Thanks Symantec, we can tell how fucking committed to the security of the user you really are. I like how Zone Alarm went from this robust, clean, no-frills awesome firewall and then just grew and grew and grew until it got as bad as the lumbering bahemoths it once so despised--almost as bad as iTunes for Christ's sake. But at least a good number of people know about Kerio.
out? Still probably, that you too long wrote the message - then pass to page back, copy the text, update page, insert the copied text and press button
"Send". " FUCK. YOU.) ... ag=nl.e103
Includes such comedy gold moments as saying that the NIS issue that *blocked the internet completely* has been "live updated" and that users should use it to fix their problem. You're all intelligent people and everyone else over there already brought up the obvious so there's no need to do it here, I'm just amused that they're trying to make "live update" a verb. "Hey Marve, how was the live update last night?" "I'd better go live update this product, maaan!" And then Symantec will charge you a quarter every time and complain so loudly because however did it get into the vanacular it's not our faaault! As if that's ever going to even happen. Like they're Google, or something.
Seriously--so fuck Symantec. Every program of theirs is the worst program you can ever put on a PC that hasn't been actively engineered to break it. Not that McAfee or Bit Defender get off any better--THey might as well fucking murge because it's the same product. Okay, Bit Defender has a different UI, whoopty, it also hopelessly cripples your system with incomplete uninstalls if hte wrong kind of spyware gets found. I like how listen BD as the greatest antivirus evarr, and then said that "all of the five viruses we tried were detected--the performance of all of these programs was the same." Fucking ass right it is. The state of the AV market is pathetic, and the existence of Nod32 is a testament to the fact that there is no damn excuse for that, whatsoever. Nod32 should have Trend Micro shitting themselves in terror--we all know that the only reason they exist is that "We're not Symantec or Mcafee." Of course, firewalls are little better--and that's another huge black eye that they're just completely ignoring. "Holy shit, this free little firewall is totally kicking our ass! What do we do? Make a better product to compete? no, let's jsut buy them out and then take the product off the market!" Thanks Symantec, we can tell how fucking committed to the security of the user you really are. I like how Zone Alarm went from this robust, clean, no-frills awesome firewall and then just grew and grew and grew until it got as bad as the lumbering bahemoths it once so despised--almost as bad as iTunes for Christ's sake. But at least a good number of people know about Kerio.