Playstation 3 Riot Thread

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Playstation 3 Riot Thread

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Two arrested after crowd stampeded store to buy PlayStation 3
Associated Press

FRESNO, Calif. - Two people were arrested after a crowd waiting to buy Sony's PlayStation 3 rushed an electronics store, trampling people in the parking lot of a Fresno shopping center, police said.

Police declared the crowd of several hundred people an unlawful assembly about 10 p.m. Thursday and threatened to use Tasers on the die-hard gamers, some of whom had camped out since Tuesday hoping to buy one of the 34 consoles for sale at Best Buy.

James Lee, 26, of Fresno, was arrested on suspicion of battery on a peace officer and obstructing police officers in the performance of their duties, Sgt. Steve Card said.

A boy, who was not identified because he's a juvenile, also was arrested on suspicion of disturbing the peace, police said.
We're just beginning!
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

HARTFORD, Conn. - Two armed thugs tried to rob a line of people waiting for the new PlayStation 3 game system to go on sale early Friday and shot one man who refused to give up his money, authorities said.

In Sullivan, Ind., a man was in critical condition after emergency surgery for a stab wound after he and a friend tried to rob two men of consoles they waited 36 hours in line to buy, police said.

Nationwide, short supplies of the PS3 and strong demand led to long lines of buyers, some waiting for days outside stores. Once the doors opened Friday, they pushed and shoved their way to the shelves in several cities to get at the limited supply. Two people were arrested in Fresno, Calif., after a crowd trampled people in a parking lot.

It was about 3 a.m. when the two gunmen in Putnam, a town of about 9,000 residents in northeast Connecticut, confronted 15 to 20 people standing outside a Wal-Mart store and demanded money, said State Police Lt. J. Paul Vance.

"One of the patrons resisted. That patron was shot," Vance said.
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Post by AArdvark »

News Video (after the commercial, of course)

Some people are stupid! I was also reading about the Chinese who were paid 20, of some non U.S. currency to stand in line in Japan when they went on sale.

I hope they start using the shotguns loaded with the beanbags on these rioting doofus-ses.
Standing in line for days is one thing but getting out of control is just dumb.


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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

AArdvark wrote:Some people are stupid! I was also reading about the Chinese who were paid 20, of some non U.S. currency to stand in line in Japan when they went on sale.
Not sure if you read the same story I did, but here is a rebuttal to the story I read. Well, it's more of an attack than a rebuttal, but still.
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Post by AArdvark »

yeah, that's the same story. Hard to believe that people want the things that much. I thought it was all Zen stuff.

Not when there's a buck to be made.


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Post by Lysander »

I like how after all this, the brilliant marketeers at Sony decide not to ship it with their own propriitary HDMI cable. WHatever, it's only 600 dollars and and a new HDTV that's 2000 dollars or more, let's make them spend 10 more dollars on a fucking cable. Great adea there, oyu idiots.


Post by Draal »

I like how after all this, the brilliant marketeers at Sony are able to make a few hundred thousand people decide that they need a new entertainment deck RIGHT NOW.

I'm only occassionaly playing through a decent IF or Playstation game when I become aware of it, much less plowing through the newest shiny.

Though the devotion and near importance of marking the occassion of video games is rampant among this forum. Which might explain a few things.

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Post by AArdvark »

People want what they see and hear. I never liked video games all that much but I can understand the overwhelming lemming urge to get one Now Now Now!



Post by Draal »

I return the remark about these forums and ask Worm to post a thought on fetishism.

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Post by hygraed »

Every time a new set of consoles comes out, I am so happy to lack the means or desire to obtain one. I can just sit back and laugh at everyone else.

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Post by Lysander »

Yeah, nobody cares about hte PS3. Sony's even going to ship these things at a huge loss and lose a ton of money on the pS3 sales hoping to recoop it all from game sales... games that cost 70 dollars a pop if I recall correctly. Good luck on that. There are only, what, hafl a dozen games I expect anyone will actually care about htat will come out for this dead-end console.

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Post by Bugs »

I played a demo unit at Target. It was pretty awesome, but not $600 awesome. I'm not a huge gamXoXOX0r anyway, so I'll wait a couple years and a few price drops before I get one.

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Post by Jack Straw »

hygraed wrote:Every time a new set of consoles comes out, I am so happy to lack the means or desire to obtain one. I can just sit back and laugh at everyone else.
You mean you don't have a burning desire to see "Ricky Bobby" in glorious Bluray?!?

A Will Farrell NASCAR movie is about the worst possible pick for an HD conversion. I'd rather see the Fraggles than this megaturd.

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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Yeah, is that movie coming with the PS3? A sort of "pack-in" DVD, if you will?
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Jack Straw »

yeah, it's the movie they picked to give away for the early adopters.

i have been meaning to reply to this post since the 19th.

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