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Fucking christ Google.

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2002 10:56 am
by Worm
Has anyone been shit on so much by their Google searches to the point it has passed to their lips and now stains their teeth? I have.
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Those are my second and third results from a google search for Sega Saturn ISOs ... they seem like they would lead somewhere but they do not. They are webpges that are made to list a shit load of key words and when I click on it I get an E-Bay search for Sega Saturn ISOs (Big fucking help) and an extra window which no doubt tries to install some unholy shit on my computer and will not close unless I create a fault by ctrl+alt+deling it twice quickly and using the end task box which closes all my web pages.
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Why is it listing this shit? What about relativity? Hotbot doesn't give me stupid shit. If I search for Sega Saturn and get astrology charts that just isn't fucking right. Why can't I make it list me how many times the phrase appears on the site or anything like that? Google just has me pissed it is not very good ... not very good at all.