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Recent "High Life" Commercial
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 4:01 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
While watching our Saints beat the Carolina Panthers I saw an ad by Miller Beer. I don't drink/buy enough beer to know if the beer they are selling is called "The High Life," or if it's just Miller Genuine Draft or what. But they are currently running this ad where they are making fun of beers that you drop a lime into.
To which I say: Nigga, please.
Don't get me wrong -- Corona has infected the airwaves for YEARS now with their stupid, stupid ads ("Oh, wow, extreme closeup, camera pulls away, GUY DRINKING BEER ON BEACH OH YUMS!!") but it is hardly the place of the guys cranking out fucking Miller beer to point this out.
What are you drunks drinking as of late? Besides Vodka from Safeway. As that's the second official drink of Jolt Country (Jolt Cola is more or less the first one) I had Blue Whale at that Halloween party I was at two weekends ago. I hadn't had it since I was a freshman in college. It's just as delicious as I remember, and I remembered it as being purely functional in taste and nothing more.
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 4:37 am
by gsdgsd
If I were in Colorado, I'd be drinking Fat Tire, of course. But they don't ship anywhere east of St. Louis.
If not that, any of the Breckenridge Brewery's fine products.
Since I'm not, I drink Czechvar a lot. Or Stella Artois.
Actually, right now I'm not drinking anything, since I'm at work.
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 5:11 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I will drink for you, tonight, then, Greg.
Well, for you and for justice, natch.
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 12:34 pm
by bruce
Now here's a subject I feel qualified to talk about.
I drink a lot of Schalfly products--they're a St. Louis brewery (I don't drink the Big Brewery's products. Or at least, I don't *pay* for them. If someone has a keg of Bud, sure). Right now my fridge has the remnants of the Schlafly Oktoberfest and a bunch of the Pale Ale, which is pretty much my all purpose all weather beer.
I was drinking a lot of Hefeweizen while the weather was hotter. Schlafly and Boulevard (a Kansas City brewery). It was Boulevard who made Zon (imagine a horizontal line, or maybe an umlaut, over the "o"--anyway, a very very nice hot-weather hefeweizen). I drink a fair amount of Fat Tire and Breckenridge Brewery products too. Currently in the fridge there's also some Schlafly Bob's Old '47, which is an amber ale. Kind of a nice beer for chillier weather. Pete's Wicked Ale is a nice winter beer too.
When I want a Pilsner, Pilsen Urquell tops the list.
In terms of non-beers, I mostly live on Tanqueray gin, Famous Grouse scotch, and Old Overholt straight rye. I have no particular vermouth allegiance, and have a propensity for Jim Beam bourbon, Skyy Vodka, Jose Cuervo Gold tequila, and Bacardi rum. However, I don't drink the last four in much quantity and almost always use them in a drink where a lot of the character of the liquor is hidden anyway. Mostly they're kept around for guests and for those times when I say, "you know, I'd really like a bourbon and coke now," or "Hunh. I think a margarita would be nice."
Wines: under $10 is the major criterion. I'm a big fan of Australian reds. Black Opal had a delicious cab a couple years back. We had a very nice Luna di Luna Merlot (Californian, I think) last night.
Single malts: Lagavulin is way, way, way out in front. Yes, I'd like a little scotch with my iodine. Macallan makes a distressingly wonderful 25-year-old and an excellent and nearly affordable 18. The Glenmorangies are nice if you do a side-by-side of the different cask conditioning styles; the sherry cask is my favorite.
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 5:10 pm
I don't drink. I'm seventeen and I don't plan on ever drinking ... is that wierd?
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 6:14 pm
by bruce
WORM DOES NOT DANCE wrote:I don't drink. I'm seventeen and I don't plan on ever drinking ... is that wierd?
My liver says you're sensible.
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 6:54 pm
by Ben
WORM DOES NOT DANCE wrote:I don't drink. I'm seventeen and I don't plan on ever drinking ... is that wierd?
Extremely. Welcome to an endless world of loneliness and self-loathing, you strange outcast, you.
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 6:56 pm
by gsdgsd
Robb -- Thanks for drinking for me. Thanks for making the sacrifice.
If you would -- stop by the New Belgium Brewery sometime, and throw a brick through the window with a note attached. The note should read: "Send Fat Tire to Georgia NOW". Thanks again.
Now, I'm debating: I work tonight, but it's utterly tedious, brainless work that I've done half-asleep before. Should I have a Newcastle with dinner?
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 8:39 pm
by Roody_Yogurt
I don't really like beer but if I have to drink it, I'll go with something sweet. I'm not really a connoisseur when it comes to liquor, either, other than I like my long islands, seven and sevens, and rum and colas.
My brother (and housemate) is into some of that Australian wine, I think.
I can't remember what I thought about drinking when I was 17. I know I was against a couple of the other recreational things I do now, but I eventually decided that I can hate the people I went to school with but I don't need to hate the things they did. If someone thinks they don't want it, more power to them.
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 9:00 pm
by loafergirl
gsdgsd wrote:If I were in Colorado, I'd be drinking Fat Tire, of course. But they don't ship anywhere east of St. Louis.
If not that, any of the Breckenridge Brewery's fine products.
Since I'm not, I drink Czechvar a lot. Or Stella Artois.
Actually, right now I'm not drinking anything, since I'm at work.
AHHA! There is another Fat Tire drinker! I begged Jonsey to smuggle some back for me last Christmas but he failed to =I
That is the best beer, EVAR!!!!!!!
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 9:02 pm
by loafergirl
I drink.... dollar drafts. With the 1 free drink I get with my Christmas party ticket I'll probably get a Labbats.
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 9:43 pm
by AArdvark
It behooves me to stuff my 2 cents in here as I feel, in my own opinion, that this is one of the top 10 threads of all time.
Beer : Imported from Canada (with the lone exception of 1812 Ale, a microbrewery in Sackett's Harbor)
Gin : Boodles when rich; Seagrams when poor: Old Mr Boston when already drunk.
Rum : The Captian, what else? (when I go to my buddie's place he's got this killer stuff that his grandfather made a bunch of years ago, special occasions only)
Tequila : Jose. Nuff said
That pretty much covers the waterfront. I drink other stuff wnen out on the town, but them's the staples
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 9:50 pm
by The Judge
AArdvark wrote:Beer : Imported from Canada
Rum : The Captian
Tequila : Jose.
I admire the fact that you still feel comfortable showing your face around here after the above display.
Canadian beer and Jose Cuervo. Lovely. How's the double-wide lookin' today?
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 10:02 pm
by AArdvark
Canadian beer and Jose Cuervo. Lovely. How's the double-wide lookin' today?
Hey, I like what I like. If I lived in a trailer, I'd be drinking Genny. Molson has class, even if you have to go over the border to get Brador.
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 11:03 pm
by gsdgsd
loafergirl wrote:AHHA! There is another Fat Tire drinker! I begged Jonsey to smuggle some back for me last Christmas but he failed to =I
That is the best beer, EVAR!!!!!!!
Whenever I head back to Colorado, my parents ask "Is there anything you'd like to do while you're here? Anything you want us to have on hand?"
And the first thing I always say is "Fat Tire".
It probably makes my folks worry, but GOD I love that beer.
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 11:18 pm
by The Judge
AArdvark wrote:Molson has class
Pardon me while I titter uncontrollably.
Molson is horrible, and Jose Cuervo is the Molson of tequila.
But you enjoy, now!
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 11:24 pm
by Worm won't log in
Ben wrote:Extremely. Welcome to an endless world of loneliness and self-loathing, you strange outcast, you.
Since when was life about fun, joy, belonging, and loathing others?
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2002 11:53 pm
by Ben
Uhhh. Since, say, opening day?
Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2002 1:41 am
by Jack Straw
Old English malt liquor. 40 ounces of joy.
Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2002 12:02 am
by Da King
The Judge wrote:AArdvark wrote:Beer : Imported from Canada
Rum : The Captian
Tequila : Jose.
I admire the fact that you still feel comfortable showing your face around here after the above display.
Canadian beer and Jose Cuervo. Lovely. How's the double-wide lookin' today?
Easy there Foxworthy. How exactly does Canadian beer (and yes, Canadians, and I guess ther Germans, are the ONLY ones that can make good beer) and Cuervo tequila (give the Mehicans credit for doing something right with their cheap labour) make someone a redneck?!