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Ultima: An Interactive Graphical Text Adventure (Yay or Nay)

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 9:46 pm
by Nihil Vulture
Hey guys, sorry for my temper as I try and defend the IF/TA community... Yes some of us are lazy, and have a problem about challenging alil too much by putting recycled puzzles in the IF game... But yet, that doesn't mean we who are lazy out number the whole community Ten to One...

Anyways here's my proposition to take a consideration of...
ULTIMA - I feel that this is more then just an RPG, but also a very Interactive Graphical Text RPG! Hear me out :smile:
The first 4 Ultimas, had a parser like entry for every time you talk to a villager to His Highness, Lord British... But yet it was just one word... But yet there are entries for every action done: like when a player goes east on the map, the parser types EAST... There are lots of text too, like reading an ingame book, a lot of talking etc. Especial the ACK 2.2 by Chris Hopkins (try it sometime, it's compadible to WinXP even if it is a DOS program :smile:) ... I love some ACK, I would take it to the back of the middle school and get it preggers :razz: (joking of course)

But ACK is a fine game maker... I wish there was someone who makes a Win32 version of it :sad:

Anyways take it easy!

Nihil Vulture