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Knight Orc / Trotting Krips News!

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 8:57 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Okay, the comment system does work on the Trotting Krips site, I have just been too lazy to post them.

I checked the mailbag yesterday and saw the following:
name = P.K. McBride

comments = Just read your comments about my story. Very chufflicated.
HOLY CRAP! That's Peter McBride! Author of "Sign of the Orc" which is the best story ever included with a computer game, in the history of things. This thing has been on the dresser for the last six months and has been read, by me, approximately a thousand times since we got Knight Orc in 1988 or so.

On the other hand, I have no idea what "chufflicated" means and the Internet is no help. I am open to help here.

Here is a fun fact about "Sign of the Orc": the first four chapters introduce new characters, one right after another, in a completely masterful manner. I am openly envious of Peter's skill in how he put that novella together. I should make this website green with my jealousy and be done with it. (I can't, so I will push my monitor close to a speaker to create the same effect with interference.)

I hope "chufflicated" means something good.

Re: Knight Orc / Trotting Krips News!

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:00 pm
by bruce
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:I hope "chufflicated" means something good.
"I'm chuffed," means something good.


Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:58 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Thank Christ. I was a little worried there for a second, after that one incident where the guy who made "Shamus" dropped by and misconstrued something I said, ending with him promising to "rape me with a thousand daggers" or something.

He was nothing if not really into those daggers, man.

Knight Orc chuffs!!! :P

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 2:19 pm
by Nihil Vulture
Played Knight Orc, The Pawn, Myth, man those games "chuffed!" I still think Zork chuffs still! Anywho, I am an American bloak who was born in the turn of the century :P Had to be damned an "80's" child! Where I was infested by a Flock of Seagulls, a Boy named George who wants to be hurted and made cryin... But all in all, there was Black Metal! Yeh! And DnD the Cartoon Series *yay* (hides his dorkiness) Ahem! And then there was alot of good chuff called Ultima and Interactive Fiction! Lay down your souls to the gods rock n roll! Ummm, wrong idea :P anyways, that is enough beer for me, I am gonna get Chuffocated :P Hand bang on bros!!!

Hand = Head!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 2:20 pm
by Nihil Vulture
Yeh, just like what the subject line said :P

Black metal chuffs

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 3:24 pm
by Vitriola
Nihil Vulture wrote:Pwants to be hurted and made cryin... But all in all, there was Black Metal! Yeh!
One would think the 3 of here who like this would have been pissing off Pinback by starting multiple random and separate threads about it by now.

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 3:29 pm
by Lysander
You're welcome for that review, by the way.

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 3:43 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Lysander wrote:You're welcome for that review, by the way.

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:38 pm
by Lysander
"what"? "What", he says. I can picture it now, you staring at the screen with one eye because your other one is half droped shut, your mouth flapping uselessly open like a form of small carp. "Whaaaaaaaat?" Jesus Mary and Joseph, how many fucking times do I have to post abut Secret Ops before you upload the damn thing. I mean, I barely care about hte game, at this point and now I wince at how stupidly long I ramble and how pointless it is considering that anyone who's a wing Commander fan will have known about it and played it by now and anyone who's not won't play it no matter what I say. But like, we're reaching into Duke NUkem Forever proportions withthe fucking thing, here. Comeooooooon. (PS: Weren't you gonna post tat rant I made about iTunes? Just a prod.)

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 10:19 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Lysander wrote:"what"? "What", he says. I can picture it now, you staring at the screen with one eye because your other one is half droped shut, your mouth flapping uselessly open like a form of small carp. "Whaaaaaaaat?"
You know how long it burned in my craw, not being able to respond to this FUCKING message? It felt like I had just swallowed a bottle of rat poison, combined with a sandpaper chaser. You just pointed the tracks of the pain train to your goddamn balls, bark and yip like you like it, you god damn LIKER of shit.

CONTEXT had us talking about the Emily Short review. So that's what it seemed like you were taking credit for. The reason Emily posted a review to the Trotting Krips site is because I was out there working the phones with a goddamn "scoop" index card in my fedora. That's how shit gets done around here. I like to call it the Sherwin Permanent Fund - it's like the Alaska Permanent Fund, but instead of a thousand dollars you get to stare in the face of a man who ran through a thousand shit-encrusted puke alleys to get the VERY BEST content on the web to YOU. I run the nasty streets, the side alleys, the back bars, the stretches of road where there's nothing but old condoms and Big League Chew as far as the eyes can see. That's where I came from and I got that gem through hard work and passion in what I do.

There's your GOD DAMN credit, Bond!

That being said, Vitriola is going to edit your two articles, so I am sending them off right now, and I can't begin to apologize for not posting them yet. I'm asking for forgiveness, man. I'm asking. No kidding around, I genuinely feel shitty about this. I just had the context wrong when I said "what" before.

Jesus Mary and Joseph,
Hey! I'm just saying that's DANGEROUSLY close to "Jesus, Mary, Mother of God" which is one of my 2K7 catch-phrases.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 8:59 pm
by Lysander
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:You just pointed the tracks of the pain train to your goddamn balls, bark and yip like you like it, you god damn LIKER of shit.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 9:04 pm
by bruce
Lysander wrote:
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:You just pointed the tracks of the pain train to your goddamn balls, bark and yip like you like it, you god damn LIKER of shit.
Bark and yip like you like it, you god damn LIKER of shit.


Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 9:26 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Yeah, I thought I was pretty clear there. Hunh.