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Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 5:54 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
A stray (or an escaped housecat) showed up in the backyard the other night. Dayna got him some food and water and he ate and drank like he had just traveled here by going through the desert.

An aside: does anyone else get extra thirsty when playing the game "Wasteland"? I know the game is twenty years old and everyone else solved it, ohhhhhhh, say about twenty years ago, but in the 16 colors they had for that thing they managed to do "scorching sand" very well.

Dayna brings the cat in for literally ten seconds as she gets more food. All the other cats see this and one of them, the big male Frobozz, starts flipping out.

I had the scent of the stray on me as well, as the thing was one of the friendliest cats I've ever seen. I went back in to basically hang out with Frobozz and he's warning me that he will strike at any time as I pick him up.

When he was a kitten he loved pouncing on faces. I believe Jim Rome would have called it, "Hilarious." We got him cured of that, but the other night, with random male cat scent all over me, he cuffed me in the face. I didn't yell at him or anything because it was just his nature.

But are cats that trusting of what they smell? The fact that he could see me and hear me didn't matter. He smelled another cat and that was the sense he was running with. I thought that dogs were pretty into smells, but I had no idea cats were. I don't really blame him: if he had let some random humans into the house, even for a little bit, I would have reacted in the same way he did.

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 7:36 pm
by AArdvark
But are cats that trusting of what they smell? The fact that he could see me and hear me didn't matter. He smelled another cat and that was the sense he was running with.
According to your cat's nose, you are a strange cat in his (or her) territory. You might be the servant person that provides the glop and maintains the royal pan of litter but nose says: Usurper! Danger! Warning Frobozz Robinson! Warning!

Ah, those cats. Too much teritorial-ness in them. Our old cat, Smokey bacon is still at odds with Toonces (the cat who could drive a car) and It's been three months or so.
Eventually, if they do not start marking everthing in the house, they will become friends or at least uneasy neighbors, Much like Poland and the USSR of the Seventies.

I suggest video taping them and posting the results on Youtube for our entertainment. Or put the clips in the secret download base. I have to research that posting video thing (by the way) as I have a couple three videos I was thinking about sharing.