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Congrats to the 2002 IF Comp Winners!
Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2002 11:03 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
First Place: Another Earth, Another Sky by Paul O'Brian!
Second Place: Till Death Makes a Monk-Fish Out Of Me! by Mike Sousa & Jon Ingold
Third Place: Photograph by Steve Evans
Congratulations, winners! A winner is all of you!
Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2002 1:39 am
by Ben
Whoa. I totally forgot that this actually took place.
Say, everyone last year was bitching about how all the entries basically sucked, and IF was dead once again, and fuck all y'all.
How's this year been?
Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 4:47 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I didn't get a chance to play a whole lot of the games, but the ones I played I pretty much enjoyed. That being said, I pretty much stuck with playing games by the authors that I had already heard of. I will probably scour the reviews and scores and pick out a few more games that I didn't play when the competition was going on.
Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 5:08 pm
by Ben
Was there a Zarf entry?
He's real good.
Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2002 10:02 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
He in fact did not.
But there are other names out there, Pinback!! Names you can trust. Remember when the sun would shine upon us young ones? Bryan! Robb! Ben!! The Trotting Krips!! True, we lived life in more of a hand-to-mouth manner back then, but the three of us holed up in the apartment room we affectionally called the "U.S.S. Talby" or whatever the fuck that spaceship was called in that movie you like. Playing IF, writing reviews, kicking ass.
Oh, how I long for those days. Things were truly infinite then. And now? Today? We have mortgage payments, crying infants, unhappy wives, tarnished wedding rings and bands.
But for a while there... we had our run. We had *our* run. And that made it all worthwhile.
Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 9:00 pm
by Ben
Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 9:16 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
How the fuck have you been reading the SA FYAD base? What the fuck!!?