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Best Multiplayer Experiences!

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 10:28 am
by Worm
This is just a small list to see if we can figure out anything we might want to do for video game nite.

1. Alien Vs. Predator

Whether it was that coop survival bunker stage, 1v1, all out death match, or predator tag, this game had fucking fun multiplayer.

The best thing was how well the races were crafted. The alien was a melee class done well. You utilized enough stealth but still could go in for a charge if you needed to. The predator played like a tank who could go invisible, you'd just stomp around and murder anything you saw first. The marine had his moments, but who wants to play the marine anyway?

This game is available pretty cheap, still I imagine.

Game Nite Canidency Rating: Four "Skull Eating Noises" out of Five.

Ammendum: I did not enjoy the sequel's single player. I hate Natural Selection, don't even bring it up in the same thread as something as fine as AvP.

2. Wheel of time

I don't know if I got into this game's multiplayer so heavily because it was free, or because I really loved it. You started out with all your spell(i think), which had various counters and you could do all kinds of goofy shit like warp people into lava.

Game Nite Canidency Rating: Three sparkly magic bubbles out of five.

Ammendum: Roody Yogurt buys copies of this game and lights his cigarettes by lighting them on fire. He'd use money, but that's a federal offense.

3. Battlegounds 2 (HL2 Mod)
This is a pretty straight forward game despite the setting. It plays like deathmatch with bayonet'ed gauss guns. Which is just fun as all fucking hell.

Five Musket Balls Traveling at Simulated Real World Speed out of five.

4. Soldat (FREE) (PL)
You're probably familar with this one. It's just real time Worms 2 with jet packs.
Three Poles out of Five.

5. Determinance (DEMO)
I really played the hell out of this for awhile, but it recently no people seem to be on. Basically you fly around and swat another with the trails your sword makes. When the enemy dies he flies off into the stratosphere in an explosion of sparkles and smoke. There is a free demo which allows for limited multiplayer.

Four Duncan McLeods out of Five.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 11:00 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
How about Wednesday Night Counter-strike?

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 11:52 am
by pinback
We're not playing ANYTHING until we get StarCraft working.

Fuck this shit.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 11:53 am
by Worm
Tonight I will be doing a test run with 'ol pinner for Starcraft. I think the best idea would be to formulate a list of games people have and are willing to play online. That way we can avoid repeating one game over and over and over.

I'd be willing to play Counterstrike (2v2 really sucks though), AvP1, almost any HL2 mod, What is listed in this thread(I'm seeing if I can warez wheel of time), and Starcraft.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 12:15 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
pinback wrote:We're not playing ANYTHING until we get StarCraft working.

Fuck this shit.
Whoa! Okay, man! Easy there! We're all friends here, except for the Protoss!