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Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:13 pm
by pinback
Since STARCRAFT NITE has failed, we will now have TRASH NITE.

A prologue game between ICJ and myself is about to be played! It will be exciting, since neither of us remembers how to play!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:55 pm
by pinback
TRASH PROLOGUE was a friggin' HUGE success, as Jonsey and I absolutely trounced the two bots we set up against us.

TRASH, baby. The refuse of the FUTURE.

And Jonsey likes the GRAPHICS.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:57 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Yes, I would like to formally request that hygraed join us in Trash so we have a third.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 10:56 pm
by hygraed
Depends on when it is. If it's right now I will have to pass because I am going to bed in a few minutes but otherwise I will see what I can do.

Also I hope it's okay if I play with just the demo version because I have to use my remaining spending money to buy tickets to a Flaming Lips concert.

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 6:33 am
by gay radar
Damn, I guess he really is gay.

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 11:32 am
by hygraed

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 12:13 pm
by gaydar
Rule #206: Flaming lips concerts = teh GAY


Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 12:46 pm
by hygraed
Well, I've got a lot of straight friends who love the Flaming Lips. Don't put too much store by it.