The Best Space Trading Game On The Earth Right Now
Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 12:28 am
This is a post for anyone who is interested in space trading games. I have done a cursory review of all of the ones released in the last few years, and have come to my findings, which I will now present to you.
I should state here that I have restricted this list to real-time, "sim" type games. There are lots of space trading games which you play by clicking buttons, as if you were choosing your own adventure. Some of these games are just fine. However, this cannot substitute for flying around the universe yourself, making a decent profit.
So, here we go:
(This will not be a post good enough to get on Jolt Country, so don't expect it to be. It's going to be very short, and it's going to suck.)
GAME: FlatSpace II
REVIEW: This game is a sequel to FlatSpace I, but is mostly the same game. While rendered in 3D, it's only a 2D game, though that does not keep it from being fairly enjoyable. However, it's terrible menu systems, lack of options which make it possible to play the game without a pencil and paper nearby to map out the universe, and also the fact that you can die any second for some random reason that you had no control over, keep it from being the Best Space Trading Game On The Earth Right Now (BSTGOTERN).
GAME: EVE Online
REVIEW: Finsternis swears this is the greatest game ever, and it might be, but I really don't have the time or inclination to learn a whole online universe, deal with all the online crap, and whatever else is required here, particularly since your ship is depicted in third-person, which is very weak. If you're gonna render the whole universe in 3D, at least let me fly my ship for fucks sake. So, maybe the best game in history, but for my money, NOT the BSTGOTERN.
GAME: VegaStrike
REVIEW: This is an open-source 3D space trader. It also may be the best game in history, but if you can keep from laughing at how bad it looks within the first five seconds of loading it up, you are a better human than I. First of all, nothing in space other than ships moves, so if there's no ships on the screen, it's impossible to tell you're moving. Also, the effect they've developed to indicate that you're in hyperspace is, the stars on the screen all turn into lines. That's it. No sound, no movement, just... dots become lines. "THIS MEANS YOU ARE MOVING FAST!" - VegaStrike. So, no.
GAME: X3: Reunion
REVIEW: This actually might be the BSTGOTERN, but there's no way to tell because the interface is so goddamn horrible and the game is so goddamn confusing. Apparently you can build an entire EMPIRE by buying factories and transport ships and automate them all and wowee zowee! But I'll never know, because there's virtually no documentation, and they made up for this lack of documentation by making the game extremely complicated, so that there's no way anyone could ever figure out what is going on unless they were paid by the second to sit in a dark room and decipher this thing over a period of years.
GAME: Evochron Alliance 2.0
REVIEW: This game doesn't have the graphics of X3, or the depth of EVE, or the whimsical humor of FlatSpace... indeed, it seems very much like a combination of all of these, but with all of the distinguishing characteristics removed, and (much more importantly) most of the downsides also removed. You fly your ship, and you can dock places and land on planets and do combat, and you can trade, but can still figure out what it is your trading and how much you're getting paid, and you can die real quick, but at least you know that in at least some small way, it WAS your fault, and the physics are good, and the graphics are fine, and it's cheap and very well supported.
So you know what?
Evochron Alliance 2.0 is the Best Space Trading Game On The Earth Right Now.
I should state here that I have restricted this list to real-time, "sim" type games. There are lots of space trading games which you play by clicking buttons, as if you were choosing your own adventure. Some of these games are just fine. However, this cannot substitute for flying around the universe yourself, making a decent profit.
So, here we go:
(This will not be a post good enough to get on Jolt Country, so don't expect it to be. It's going to be very short, and it's going to suck.)
GAME: FlatSpace II
REVIEW: This game is a sequel to FlatSpace I, but is mostly the same game. While rendered in 3D, it's only a 2D game, though that does not keep it from being fairly enjoyable. However, it's terrible menu systems, lack of options which make it possible to play the game without a pencil and paper nearby to map out the universe, and also the fact that you can die any second for some random reason that you had no control over, keep it from being the Best Space Trading Game On The Earth Right Now (BSTGOTERN).
GAME: EVE Online
REVIEW: Finsternis swears this is the greatest game ever, and it might be, but I really don't have the time or inclination to learn a whole online universe, deal with all the online crap, and whatever else is required here, particularly since your ship is depicted in third-person, which is very weak. If you're gonna render the whole universe in 3D, at least let me fly my ship for fucks sake. So, maybe the best game in history, but for my money, NOT the BSTGOTERN.
GAME: VegaStrike
REVIEW: This is an open-source 3D space trader. It also may be the best game in history, but if you can keep from laughing at how bad it looks within the first five seconds of loading it up, you are a better human than I. First of all, nothing in space other than ships moves, so if there's no ships on the screen, it's impossible to tell you're moving. Also, the effect they've developed to indicate that you're in hyperspace is, the stars on the screen all turn into lines. That's it. No sound, no movement, just... dots become lines. "THIS MEANS YOU ARE MOVING FAST!" - VegaStrike. So, no.
GAME: X3: Reunion
REVIEW: This actually might be the BSTGOTERN, but there's no way to tell because the interface is so goddamn horrible and the game is so goddamn confusing. Apparently you can build an entire EMPIRE by buying factories and transport ships and automate them all and wowee zowee! But I'll never know, because there's virtually no documentation, and they made up for this lack of documentation by making the game extremely complicated, so that there's no way anyone could ever figure out what is going on unless they were paid by the second to sit in a dark room and decipher this thing over a period of years.
GAME: Evochron Alliance 2.0
REVIEW: This game doesn't have the graphics of X3, or the depth of EVE, or the whimsical humor of FlatSpace... indeed, it seems very much like a combination of all of these, but with all of the distinguishing characteristics removed, and (much more importantly) most of the downsides also removed. You fly your ship, and you can dock places and land on planets and do combat, and you can trade, but can still figure out what it is your trading and how much you're getting paid, and you can die real quick, but at least you know that in at least some small way, it WAS your fault, and the physics are good, and the graphics are fine, and it's cheap and very well supported.
So you know what?
Evochron Alliance 2.0 is the Best Space Trading Game On The Earth Right Now.