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Aardvark sent me "B.A.T."

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 12:56 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey

Seriously, what is that guy doing. THERE IS A GUY WITH A BAT FOR A FACE next to you, QUIT PLAYING WITH YOUR DIGITAL WATCH.

Aardvark sent me a whole bunch of C64 manuals. They came in the box for B.A.T., which stands for Beats the Ever Loving Shit Out of Me, A Goddamn Bat-Faced Dude is Going To Kill Our Protagonist Before the Game Even Gets Installed. I would like to know the following about this game, from Aardvark:

1) Do you spend the entire game destroying that guy's species? If so, I consider that a PLUS

2) Seriously, what the hell is that nonsense

3) Did you decide to buy the game before looking at the box? If not, is there anything they could put on the box that would make you reconsider? I am re-doing the Fallacy of Dawn box this week, and it's a little reassuring to know that some people just do not care. There are no limits to this, people, do you hear me?

There are no limits!

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:18 am
by AArdvark
Well, I haven't played the game since forever, and I couldn't remember the Zeppelin IV disc number so any recollections I come up with should be taken with grains of salt.

You play the game as a secret agent wearing a cheap 80's leather jacket and shades. You have a P.O.S. computer built into your arm that, when programmed properly (which you do by using some weird BASIC language) tells you when to sleep, when to eat, when to wipe, ect. It seems that if you play the character without doing these things you die. The game is something like a text adventure with mini games. The bat creature does not (as far as I got into it) even show up. I think that was just a cover artist having license.

I didn't even buy that game. Someone gave it to me when they figured out that it has a pretty high learning curve. Do not even attempt to fight any battles because you will lose.
There are all these character stats that you can modify that don't really do anything for you. The graphics are pretty good for the time tho. Gameplay was slow and rather plodding. When you find it, let me know how accurate I was.


Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 11:17 am
by hygraed
I can't speak for AArdvark but for me at least, box art is just above "thickness of shrink wrap" on the list of things that influence my game purchases.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 11:34 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
hygraed wrote:I can't speak for AArdvark but for me at least, box art is just above "thickness of shrink wrap" on the list of things that influence my game purchases.
Well, really this thread exists to celebrate B.A.T., through a veneer of sneering incredulation.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:42 pm
by AArdvark
This might be fun