People who don't know anything about video games

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People who don't know anything about video games

Post by hygraed »

should not be writing columns about them.

'Resident Evil: Extinction' Flick Based on Racist Video Game Series

My favorite bits:

The most recent Resident Evil movie is based on extremely popular video games like last year's smash-hit Resident Evil 4, which places players in the position of fighting parasitically controlled Spaniards (called "Los Ganados" or "the cattle") with stereotypical Mexican accents.
Of course you're fighting Spaniards. You're in fucking Spain. And last I checked, Spaniards had Spanish accents, not Mexican accents.

...players of the soon-to-be-released Resident Evil 5 video game are placed in what could be an African country or Haiti as they blow up armies of black zombies.
This kind of goes with the above. They're black because YOU ARE IN AFRICA. AFRICA HAS BLACK PEOPLE IN IT.

Players of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, this year's most popular video game...
Damn, there must be some lasting effect Vice City had on its players if a game released in 2002 is the most popular video game of 2007.

Like many of the most popular games, including Kung Fu, Warcraft 3 and Shadow Warrior which depicts Asian and black immigrant bad guys...
Kung Fu came out in 1984. The enemies had no particular nationality as far as I know, because the technology of the day was pretty much incapable of depicting race beyond skin color, which for every character in the game is "white person." Also, I challenge you to find a single "Asian or black immigrant" enemy in Warcraft 3.

What a fucking cockbag this guy is. It's obvious he knows next to nothing about the games he's namedropping, and his so-called "evidence" is completely non-factual.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Haha, he busted out a Shadow Warrior reference? That's great. It's like someone gave him a list of 10 games and said, "Go use these in your article, and it had BETTER be finished and on my desk before five o'clock or you're out of here." And then the guy was relieved that Shadow Warrior, one of the games listed, has a Japanese guy as the protagonist. Whew!
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by Worm »

I wonder if he thinks speaking Spanish qualifies as using a stereotypical accent? Doesn't this make one's native language the most racist thing of off?
Good point Bobby!

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